Trialworld will be present at the HEBO PRO-AM competition

The Trialworld team will be this coming Saturday at the Hebo PRO-AM, an extraordinary initiative where a competition is held in pairs, where an amateur rider competes at his corresponding level alongside a professional rider.

This is a great opportunity organized by HEBO for the best riders in the world to share areas and good times with fans who compete sporadically as a hobby. In addition, it will be a very interesting day due to the atmosphere that will be generated in the Cent Peus Motorcycle Club.

HEBO PRO-AM Guest Pilots


This event will follow the competition guidelines and regulations of the Spanish Trial Championship (CET). Under STOP regulations with time limit per zone (1’30”). Starting at 10 a.m., on Saturday, May 28, the first HEBO PRO AM TRIAL competition will start.

Each pair will consist of a professional and an amateur rider chosen by lottery in the days leading up to the event. Both drivers will have to overcome all the zones in their corresponding level of difficulty in a circuit of 6 zones where each pair will do 3 laps of the total route.

The amateur driver will be able to choose the color that best suits his level to participate in the competition. The minimum level required to participate is the color green and this is the coloration that defines the value of each driver.

  • BLACK LEVEL: Professional
  • RED LEVEL: High level
  • BLUE LEVEL: Intermediate
  • GREEN LEVEL: Low level

The total points added in the passage through the zones of both drivers will determine the final score of the pair and the winning duo of each category (green, blue and red) will be awarded, according to the regulations with the lowest score


The rider will only be able to participate with a specific trial bike and will wear the specific equipment of the discipline (helmet, boots, gloves, pants and t-shirt). The winners of each category will be the couple who has totaled the course with the fewest points! And remember, this event is much more than a competition.

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