Benoit Bincaz returns to competition after back injury

After missing the start of the TrialGP World Championship, the nightmare of Benoit Bincaz, official rider of Beta Motor, seems to be coming to an end.

Bincaz will take part this weekend in the French Trial Championship to test on the bike if the improvement in physical sensations allows him to complete a full race without physical discomfort.

Until now, the big concern was that the back pain did not subside and the doctors could not find new solutions, even after an extended period of rest.

This news of his participation in France is very positive for everyone. If the experience is good, we will probably see Bincaz again at the TrialGP World Championship at the end of August in Andorra.

benoit bincaz xtrial bilbao
Benoit Bincaz, official French Beta Factory rider

STATEMENTS benoit bincaz

Benoit Bincaz"After a lot of uncertainty, I can finally tell you that I will be present this weekend for the opening of the French championship. This weekend is going to be tough, I've only been able to practice once since my injury. I will still need time to recover my back problems. But my medical staff is confident and we made the decision to do a test this weekend. I can't wait to get back into competition. Thank you very much to all the people who believe in me, we are going to make it!! ".

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