“We have invited our community of fans and riders to test the first mobile platform specialized in sports training and preparation for amateur riders of any offroad sport modality and we received more than five hundred applications.”
An exclusive group of riders and fans who are fans of offroad sports will have the opportunity to train and prepare physically for their next races with this App, which contains a training system to develop the eight physical skills needed by every rider who practices off-road sports such as motocross, enduro, downhill, MTB, trial, adventure bike, etc.
What makes the Powering Offroad mobile app unique is that it has a unique algorithm that customizes the training system for any rider, of any age and with any physical condition, which develops and tracks the eight skills that all riders need whether they compete or not.
The objective of this App is to democratize access to physical preparation for fans of highly harmful sports, so that they can enjoy riding more, practice them more safely, improve their fitness and, at the same time, promote their health through their sports practice.
The invitation has been made to our national and international market gradually since the beginning of October through our own media, social networks and newsletter, from which we have obtained as a result more than five hundred requests.
Andrea Mañas, CEO of Powering Offroad highlights that this is a test of user-friendly use of the mobile application. During the test, there will be several updates to the app with optimization, additional features, and bug fix reporting that will help us test the user experience ahead of our global launch in January 2020.