Aniol Gelabert bids farewell to Mediser and TRS to announce his future

Aniol Gelabert has announced through social networks his separation from the Mediser Trial Team LEA and TRS Motorcyles for the upcoming 2021 season. 

This team has been a great refuge for Aniol in a year of great instability. He started the year as a Vertigo rider, but shortly before the start of the World Championship, he announced together with his brother Miquel the separation from the Girona brand and the trust placed in him by both Mediser and TRS to face the season with guarantees. 

We can say that it has been a positive campaign for Aniol. With a fourth place overall in the Trial2 World Championship, with a victory and a podium to his name, the young rider has shown tenacity and consistency. 


Now, Aniol is looking for new professional challenges to probably aspire to the Trial2 title in an official team. And rumor has it that that team will be Beta, where Dabill recently vacated a spot. For the time being, the Italian squad has confirmed Benoit Bincaz and the recent signing of Lorenzo Gandola to face the Trial2 season.

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