The promoter of the last two seasons of the Trial World Championship in its entirety, Sport7, ceases its activity immediately by mutual agreement with the FIM, which resumes the entire management of outdoor trial, including all categories and championships.
In recent weeks, transfers and rights are being organised to allow the FIM to take over the preparations for next season, without delay or interruption. It is now time to coordinate with local organisers, but it is hoped that the 2019 calendar previously proposed by Sport7 can be maintained. Entries received to date will also be valid and confirmed by the FIM in the coming weeks.
The statement issued by the FIM ends by thanking Sport7 for its work at the helm of the World Championship over the past two seasons.
Jorge Viegas, FIM President
“The FIM would like to thank Sport7 for their good work over the past two seasons, and for their support and cooperation in making an immediate transfer. The FIM is excited to have all the outdoor FIM Trial World Championships back under its care and will do everything possible to ensure that the series continues to enjoy continuous improvement.”
Jake Miller, Director of Sport7
“It’s been an incredible couple of years at the helm of TrialGP, without a doubt, a lot has been achieved in a relatively short period of time, which we can be proud of. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff, partners, partners of Sport7 not forgetting the drivers for making it such an amazing experience. We would like to wish the FIM Trial Commission every success for the future.”