Toni Bou, Adam Raga and rookie Jaime Busto won today on the second day of the 2017 Trial of Nations held in Baiona, Pontevedra.
With this, Spain now has 24 wins in 34 editions of TdN played to date.
This is our country’s sixth one-two since the FIM introduced the women’s division in 2000.
The Trial of Nations, the FIM race for national teams that since 1984 has put an end to the international outdoor season, has once again had Spain as the winner. And it is that, once again, the men’s team with which the RFME has presented itself to the World Championship of Teams of the sport of dynamic balance, held this year in the Galician Baiona, has won the victory.
Toni Bou, Adam Raga and Jaime Busto, the top three finishers in the 2017 TrialGP World Championship, have once again maintained their Spanish dominance in the World Trophy category.
Spain has hardly found opposition to string together its fourteenth consecutive victory in this race and from its opening stages it has commanded it. Your final score… 6 points (5+1)!! All of them added up in zone 12 of the route.
Great Britain, with a total of 42 points, and Japan, with three more, 45, have joined Spain in that order in the next two places on the podium.
With this, Spain now has 24 wins in 34 editions of TdN played.
This was the second lowest score of all time in the World Trophy class, being bettered only by the perfect trial set by our team a year ago in Isola 2000.
Also, in 2011, Spain achieved victory by the largest points margin recorded to date. Our team took the British team, who finished second in the end, a total of 98 points.
Yesterday, Sandra Gómez, Berta Abellán and the debutant Maria Giró also won the women’s category by completing the 30 regulation zones with only 1 point – added in the penultimate section of the race. It was the seventh national title in the category reserved for girls.
This was our country’s sixth one-two since the FIM introduced the women’s division in 2000. Precisely, that year was the first in which the Spanish men’s and women’s teams ‘championed’ in unison. The next ones were in 2008, 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Information: RFME