As of September 1, 2017, Marc Colomer will hold the position of Sports and Competition Director of GasGas. To date, Colomer was already the Sports Director of the Trial section, as well as boasting a top-level sporting record with four
Trial World Champion
titles, 1 in the outdoor category (1996) and 3 in the indoor category (1994, 1995 and 1996). His most recent success has been to be proclaimed the
first Electric Trial World Champion rider
with the new Torrot –
Gas Gas TXTe EGD
last June in Lourdes (France).
Marc Colomer will take charge of GasGas’ Sports and Competition Department from 1 September. Torrot – GasGas’ confidence in Marc Colomer is total and this appointment seeks to reward the effort made by Colomer and his team as well as to extend the results achieved in the Trial to all areas of the competition in which GasGas is present, that is, in the Trial and Enduro.
At the moment, the calendars of the competitions in which GasGas has its riders are at the halfway point of the season. Looking ahead to next season, Marc Colomer is already working to multiply the company’s sporting successes wherever it has a presence, as well as to meet the strategic objectives set by the brand.
Iván Contreras, President and CEO of Torrot – GasGas:
“Marc Colomer represents values that fit perfectly with the values of our company: commitment, teamwork, responsibility, effort and perseverance, making him the ideal person to occupy the role of Sports Director at GasGas. It is true that his natural space is trial, but with these values and the knowledge he has of the current company, he is sure to be able to exercise his responsibility in any area where GasGas has a sporting presence and to get advice from the right people to maintain the pace of competition under the global strategy of Torrot – GasGas”