I started writing this article motivated by the columns written by my friends Victor Martín “Bonaigua” and Javier Cruz. They are dealing with some very interesting topics (“Trial. The sport you won’t be able to practice”) and their contributions seem fantastic to me because they shed light on the concerns that all federated athletes experience.
One of them is the well-worn issue of federation licenses. At the beginning of the season we complain uselessly about the disproportionate amount charged by the federation for having the right to race in official competitions, either at the regional or national level. For 2014 in the Madrid Federation there will be these prices, http://www.fedemadrid.com/web/plantilla1.asp?Id=1367
Here there are two affected, on the one hand there are the organising clubs and on the other, the amateur riders.
We start from the premise that if there are no races, the fans are the losers, and if there are no drivers, the organising clubs will desist from organising races. So far everything is very clear.
Now we add a third factor, a wedge that acts between drivers and organizers, which are called the federations. These private entities have the official recognition of the state as promoters who will watch over the sport they represent. So far, so good, but his action is perverted.
As private entities, they have a sufficiently shielded organizational chart so that, as in politics, not just anyone from the outside can access it and alter the status quo that has always reigned.
Now I focus on what it costs to organize races. Any group of friends who want to organize races with the coverage of the Federation, will have to assume the
following fixed expenses:
– Marking material: marking tape, step arrows, stakes, silicone, zone signs, etc.
-Club license: the annual fee is paid, if it is autonomous, 512€
-Official positions:
the first thing you have to do is access some courses given by the Fede, they are easy and free, but you need 3 positions to make your degree. You can rent the charges, paying between €50 and €100 per charge, or take out the necessary charge licenses, which cost €120/charge.
-Fees for approval of regulations:
they are above €240 per race. And what is this?, well, a tax for which they charge you for a piece of paper that explains the number of zones, the race time and who the official positions are.
Without adding more expenses such as the ambulance, remuneration to judges and pikes, supplies to collaborators, etc., any club that makes a race supposes a minimum of fixed expenses of: 512 + (50+50+50)+240 = 902€
Seeing the amount, anyone is alarmed, asks for explanations above and the answer is the same. Run more and you’ll pay for your expenses.
Doing more runs means a minimum of two days of marking. Always assuming that you have a team full of people who also know how to score well. But the reality is cruel. We all have a job, a family, and responsibilities. This sport is our distraction, beyond that, our downfall. In the end we scored the usual ones, and we are few. But that’s okay, the illusion overwhelms you and you sacrifice yourself.
The day of the race arrives and after settling expenses with the Federation depending on the registration, remember that 35€ is paid per registered rider ), in a race of 80-90 riders, the club has 500€-600€ clean.
So for a race we have the following balance: 500 – 902 = -402
That we do one more race, because we would spend :
240€ for approval of regulation rights, 50×3 because we rent positions, (and I forget the 50€ per judge, which is what the Fede charges for each judge they put in each area, I don’t count pikes or ambulance…) TOTAL EXPENSES : 390
So the balance, assuming I have a good registration again (80-90 riders)
It would be: 500 (income) -390 (second career expenses) = 110€
The cumulative would be: 110-402=-292€
I could go on like this, but Not including all the expenses and investments that you have to face in the marking, not counting the payment of judges and spades, points cards, ambulanceYou don’t have to be very smart to see that you end up working and also paying money to the federation, unless you go crazy to do races to finish without losses.
And for the record, ignoring a lot of expenses and assuming that you always have a very good registration.
So who dares to offer careers?
As I said earlier, If there are no races, the fans are lost. If the bike is not used, it is sold. If you buy a motorcycle and can’t find anyone to ride with, you end up selling it badly. How do you meet people to ride with, well, usually at races.
The following article, how to organize cheap races.
Text: Pedro González Aldatz “Pedropedales”