Chronicle of the Spanish Cup Classic Trial in Alcanadre

dot400 3Hand in hand with the MC Calahorra and with the effort of the City Council of Alcanadre and the Riojan Motorcycling Federation, this event was held two days of the Classics Trial. The test consisted of 10 zones that pilots had to pass through twice. Both on Saturday and Sunday these were the same, having a total of 9 kilometers of route.

The paddock, located in the parking lot of the municipal swimming pools, had a very nice color and the fans were able to enjoy the motorcycles with history with which these athletes compete.

The three categories that are part of the Spanish Cup of Trial Classics, Classics – Yellow, Trialeros – Green and Experts – Blue, had a good number of entries who made an effort to go home with the winners’ trophy in their hands.

In Classics – Yellow: both days were proclaimed as the best by the same riders. José María Martínez Anaya surpassed everyone. The penalties and their coefficient made him score 0.7 on the first day and 0 on the second. Fernando Cabré was second, also on both days, scoring 2’3 and 0 in his locker. Rafael Ruiz repeated as third with the same points, 2’3.

In Trialeros – Verdes there were differences between Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday, Martí Font won with José Buixó second and Xavier Ribot third. On the contrary, on Sunday the winner was José Buixó, second Martí Font and third Antonio Guillem.

Finally, in Experts – Blues, Joan Rovira was the best on Saturday, scoring a total of 5.6 points. Ramón Membrives accompanied him on the second step of the podium with 7’65 and Blai Jové in the third with 10’35. The scores were much lower the next day. This time Jové was first with 0′, second Joan with 4’2 and third Manuel Company with 5’75.

The last two rounds of 2013 for the Spanish Classic Trial Cup will be held on September 21 and 22 in Tibi, Alicante.

Full ranking here 

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