8 and 9 On
June8 and 9 there will be new Trial Courses of the Trialworld School
, specifically it will be for adults on both days,
being possible to sign up for one or both days.
The location will be Cabanillas de la Sierra
and we will
maintain the successful format that characterizes our courses, with
two groups distributed by level and limited to six pilots per monitor, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m
Saturday, June 8th: 7 places -3 FREE PLACES-
Sunday, June 9th: 7 places -FULL-
Place: Cabanillas de la Sierra
Our courses are focused on Basic/Beginner and Advanced Levels. In them you will be able to enjoy the best trial environment and learn or correct technical concepts that allow you to evolve in the Trial. It is also possible to go with a classic motorcycle.
Places will be awarded in strict order of registration with adeadline of Thursday, February 6 through the Madrid Motorcycling Federation (
/ 91 441 66 56).
Questions about levels and courses will be answered by email.
These are our Trial Courses in Madrid
Information, prices, licenses and registration processes for Trial Courses
We will have all Oset children’s models, intended for ages between 3 and 14 years.
Further questions on this point can also be sent to the following email: