In this article you have all the information regarding the licenses corresponding to the Community of Madrid for this year, both for Training and Courses, as well as for Competition. If you have any questions, you can contact Alberto Yagüe ( on 91 441 66 56.
The fee for a Trial Course with Trialworld is 38 euros. The payment must be made through the Madrid Motorcycling Federation or by phone/email Alberto Yagüe. If you have an annual license , you can make the payment through the online platform of the Madrid Federation, selecting the specific event you want to sign up for. In the event that the procedure is for a one-day license, payment must be made by transfer through Alberto Yagüe.
The annual training and course license enables you to participate in any type of training activity, regardless of the specialty. It has a cost of €100.00 + club fee. For those who do not want to process the annual one, the one-day fee is €20.00.
In the case of Trial, there is also a LIMITED regional license with a cost of €180.00 + club fee, having with this the possibility of attending courses and training, to participate in all the trial competitions of our championships. In addition, this year the RFME has issued this same national license at a cost of €210.00 + club fee.
In the case of the youngest (fry, juveniles and cadets) the licenses are subsidized in part by the FMM, €60.00 for fry and €30.00 for juveniles and cadets, with the prices remaining as follows:
Alevín (Born between 2002 and 2007): €105.00 (Regional) and €120.00 (National) + club fee in both cases.
Youth (Born between 2000 and 2002): €145.00 (Regional) and €160.00 (National) + club fee in both cases.
Cadet (Born between 1998 and 1999): €165.00 (Regional) and €225.00 (National) + club fee in both cases.
All licenses can be extended by paying the difference in amounts, from a national regional license, as well as from a training and course license, to a rider (competition) license at any time, so if, for example, a rider starts doing courses by getting the annual training/course license and then decides to enter competition, he could extend to a Limited Trial license paying the €80.00 difference between the two.
The procedure to obtain a license would consist of sending by fax (914416611) or e-mail ( the following documentation:
– Completed license application (pdf attached)
– Photocopy of ID card and driver’s license.
– In the case of minors under 16 years of age, photocopy of the ID of the pilot and guardian + medical certificate.
– Proof of bank transfer to CC number 2085 8028 70 0330167423 (Ibercaja)