Success of our Trial School

cursillo_todos480When Trialworld was born, it was not to be just another magazine where we could report on the news of Trial, but we set ambitious goals such as getting on all the models and offering you an objective opinion on the performance of each one of them. Another of the great objectives, on which we have already begun to walk, is to continue creating fans and opening up a truly exciting and accessible sport for all audiences.

At Trialworld we have proposed a solution to all those who want to enter and progress in the specialty through a Trial School that we have inaugurated on September 24th. In addition to learning, we wanted everyone to have a great time and breathe a healthy atmosphere among all the attendees, something that we more than achieved thanks to an extraordinary group of 24 fans who placed their trust in us.

To organize the course with all the guarantees, we turned to the Madrid Motorcycling Federation , which enthusiastically received our request and helped us comply with the most important requirements: environmental permits, insurance and administrative procedures. Therefore, we owe much of our success to them.

In a pressing time of only one week we opened the registrations and four days later we had hung the “full” sign with 23 participants, divided into 4 groups with independent monitors and a specific category for children.


The balance of the day could not have been more positive. We saw how the members of the same group applauded and cheered each other, how more than one began to discover in just a few hours the greatness of this sport and above all we saw an enormous human quality in all the participants.

The Trialworld team is already thinking about the next course, because we are convinced that the secret of success lies in perseverance and good work. Finally, I would like to thank, in addition to the participants and their families, the fantastic instructors who were part of the team, without whom it would be impossible to do a course of this nature with the quality that always accompanies the Trialworld seal.

For those of you who want to be informed of upcoming courses, just register here or send us an email to

See you next time!

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