2 Days of Arinsal Feature

arinsal480The tenth edition of the 2 Two Days of Arinsal has once again fulfilled the exceptions of the more than 300 fans who, between riders and followers, travelled to the Andorran country to enjoy two intense days of Trial in the Pyrenees. As usual, the route consisted of 40 zones and more than 50 kilometers to be completed in two days.

In this tenth edition we have been able to enjoy important novelties, especially at the level of marking in the areas. The Moto Club Arinsal proposed to return to the “non stop” in search of a dynamic race, with many common areas between all levels of difficulty and really affordable for all fans. As always, we enjoyed technical areas, without dangers, in incomparable settings and even unprecedented in the nine previous editions.

What makes the 2 Days of Arinsal a benchmark race for all Trial fans is, in addition to the above, the fantastic atmosphere that exists among all the riders. It is a unique opportunity for national and international fans to share experiences, curiosities and enjoy themselves in an environment where the results of the race are in the background and the really important thing is to have fun.

Text: David Quer / Photos: Trialworld & Miquel Rovira

With this philosophy of fun, the Arinsal Motoclub has been marking the ten editions of the 2 Days of Arinsal. There is no specific time to complete the course and it is easy to see groups of riders standing every so often to take very unusual snapshots with a Trial bike in the background. The areas are also marked with this philosophy: there is a lot of water and technical passages, so that, although the Trial may seem simple, at any point arinsal2You can leave out one or more points. The areas of Arinsal are full of small “traps” that test the skill and concentration of the pilots , but without these being able to pose a threat to the physical integrity of the fan.

The team that makes up Trialworld knows this race very well, as we are lucky enough to have participated in absolutely every edition of this race. Throughout these years everything has happened to us: winning races, being hot, cold, seeing how a race day was cancelled due to snow, retiring due to mechanical problems and also suffering a fall without consequences.

However, it has never mattered how good or bad we have been at a given moment, because when the day dawns in Arinsal everything starts from scratch and you forget absolutely everything. In this tenth edition we have been, once again, lucky that the weather has been sensationally good throughout the two days. This allows you to enjoy the interzone and the landscape even more, since the route is not a procedure to be completed as soon as possible, but a dream from which you would never want to wake up.

For Trialworld it was a very emotional race because it was the first time we attended after the creation of the website, which allowed us to meet many of you and also enjoy these days with a very special feeling. There is really a lot of love for trial, with very pure and romantic people in this sport, so we are proud to do our bit in this sector and help you to promote this passion for Trial.

From Madrid we set out an expedition of several pilots, but in our group specifically we left five pilots simultaneously, which is the ideal number to go at the same time and not be excessively slowed down. After the start we came across the first surprise, in every way. Instead of going up by road to the first area, which is usually at the end of the village and is usually watery, as well as very fucking due to the amount of stones and turns, the interzone took us very close to the paddock to Dealing with the three zones first that during the 9 previous editions meant the closing of the day.

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The problem of setting up 3 areas very close together and next to the paddock was quickly glimpsed: an approximate hour of queuing and entering the really cold area. These three zones were common to all pilots; simple but easy to make mistakes if you didn’t keep the right line. The problem of this first day is that until a rider left the second zone, a rider did not enter the first, so with the lesson well learned, on Tuesday we did not find these queues.

arinsal_chema4At the exit of the third zone we took a new interzone, very technical and only designated for blues, reds and blacks. Still, it was easy to get stuck somewhere and ruin the climb for everyone behind you, so this section required a lot of patience and a good eye on the line. The roots of the road, still damp, forced you to be very attentive at all times. At this point in the race came the first sweats of the drivers.

Once you came out again on the road that ascends to Arinsal, we left it in just under 1 kilometre to enter an interzone already known from previous editions. Here the slope is less pronounced and the sections are straighter, so we take the opportunity to rest a little and enjoy the surroundings until we reach Coll de Turer, where the same area as last year is marked. It is not a river area, but almost, since everything is completely muddy and it is essential to maintain the inertia well to reach the top without problems. So much fun!

After this area, we head back into the interzone to enter the Arinsal station and make two areas also known by the regulars. One of water, very beautiful and also simple, while the second is on the highest peak of the station and consists of turns on land over a significant slope; The important thing here, again, is inertia and taking advantage of the limits of the area to get a “good line”.

From here begins one of the most beautiful parts of the race. We head over the ridge of the mountain and the subsequent descent to refuel. This point of the interzone is a mandatory stop for photos, as it is one of the highest and from where the view of the Pyrenees is most spectacular. The route isn’t overly complex either; There are only three descents that less experienced riders or those with classic bikes should pay more attention to. The last descent leads to a very fun path that leads to the first refueling.

stand_jitsieIn this first refuelling, the organization provides the riders with fruit and sweet accessories to regain strength before facing the hardest part of the race. At this point of the route, the organization of the race gave us a nice variant, going up an unprecedented path for the runners to the Pic dels Llacs. Here, at the highest point of the course, there was a nice and simple turning area on a terrain with significant unevenness. A mere formality to go through a beautiful forest on the way down that was quite hard to do without stopping, since you could easily be more than 15 minutes downhill.

This forest gave way to an important group of water areas, called Bordes Seturia, also apparently simple, but where it was easy to let go of your feet and start to make a difference. At this point The zones were practically identical for all levels, so it was exciting to see how the drivers of different categories performed with the “non-stop” regulations. Purists have missed the mythical area of the “Land-Rover”, which is very close to this point and with the passing of the editions it has become an enclave highly appreciated by all the participants.

Once this point has been passed, the participants enter the bowels of Pal station with the aim of reaching the second refuelling and making the official break for lunch. On the way we find a fun area: it is a rocky climb, with a small curve at the beginning, and the objective is to “get out”; Any loss of inertia caused the wheel to bury itself and complicated the situation. It had all the premises: simple, fun and rewarding.

Now it is. We headed for the last stretch of the interzone before lunch. This section is another novelty compared to the rest of the editions, where you passed through a stone field and the descent was really long and demanding, not because of the difficulty but because of the fatigue. In this edition we have enjoyed a shorter and more fun itinerary that led to the surroundings of the Arinsa l track itself. There two more areas awaited us, dominated by stone, technical passages and turns. A very special counterpoint after all the water we had caught in the morning… and the one that awaited us in the afternoon!


As soon as we left the bike and refueled, we gave the cards to the organization for the reading of these first 15 areas. Then, it’s time to sit in front of a plate of pasta and discuss the morning’s play with friends; It’s also time to distribute points and establish the first rankings arinsal_chemaamong friends. This is the beauty of the Two Days of Arinsal: each group of friends lives their own career in a very healthy way, without competitiveness (at least the unhealthy one) and that shows in the good atmosphere.

Now we had a not very difficult part of the route, but with a full belly and after the break, it is almost more difficult than the first part of the morning. The fact that there is a generous stretch of interzone before you get to the first zone of the afternoon is a plus point, as it helps to warm up and get back on track. After this section, before the descent to the village, we find a beautiful area: technical, with twists and turns, easy as well as demanding if you don’t want to score the first points of the afternoon. A perfect balance to face the last areas of water with courage.

The final interzone is a spectacle. Drier than the first section of the morning and also in the forest, so you can enjoy both the environment and the terrain itself at all times. This section is simple but uneven, so the traffic is fluid and the pace of the riders is high.

Finally we got to the road. Now we are only a few kilometres away from the paddock and our relatives, who with camera in hand are eager to see how we get on in the water. This year the sections have been very simple, but as we said in the previous water group, you have to keep a good eye on the lines so as not to take extra points. Of all this group, the most complicated are the last two, which is where we find the most arrows of the entire route, in order to give a nice show to all the spectators who crowd the railings of the river, next to the road.

Undoubtedly, this group of areas is mythical, but it is also one of those that create love and visibility for this sport, which after all is the most interesting. The Two Days of Arinsal represent a short parenthesis in the year; A parenthesis where fans can really enjoy their favorite sport without feeling persecuted, traveling long kilometers without worries and enjoying an incomparable setting.

If you enjoyed this adventure and want to share your photos with us, we will be happy to add them to the gallery that you can find below. You can send all the material to info@prebare.trial.sdi.es You can also comment on your adventure in this same report. Undoubtedly, it will look much better if we all participate.

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