An alternative for all those who cannot come to see the World Championship in Pobladura de las Regueras (León), is to sign up for the Trial course proposed by our friends from the off-road area Sacromonte. It is a course that can be one or two days, as you want.
The instructors of the workshop are regular collaborators of Trialworld, like Roberto Arenas, or José, who is a specialist in Bike Trial and is very spectacular on a motorcycle. During the weekend they will provide their experience studying different areas of knowledge, such as piloting, tuning, mechanics, physical preparation, all attendees will have the opportunity to test the fantastic OSSA and the latest SHERCO models. On Saturday night there will be a Trial Party in a well-known Pub and on Sunday a trial course applying the techniques learned, ending with a barbecue and delivery of a diploma.
According to Roberto: “The truth is that after the last few courses we have done we are very happy with the results, both at the amateur and intermediate level and we hope to share a TRIAL PARTY that we will undoubtedly never forget. So I’ll be waiting for you in Sacromonte.”
PRICE 1 DAY: 50€ /2 DAYS 90€
Information and registration: