We come from a town (Orea) in the province of Guadalajara, the hobby started with my father, who although his thing was speed, once he tried a Sherpa and since then he switched to trial.When I was born I wanted nothing more than to teach myself , although at first I was not very enthusiastic, then when I was doing well in the trials, first in the championship of Castilla La Mancha and then in Madrid, I began to like it more and more every day, until now which is one of the things I like the most. We experience this hobby as one of the very important things since we see it as a sport, very healthy, competitive and also as a challenge in which the machine and the man complement each other to overcome a series of difficulties.
We started to set up on vacation in Orea, a town with a lot of mountains and incredible landscapes full of rocks, there we met a very good friend Blanes with his son Mario. We both started riding when we were only 4 years old. The rest of the year we live in a village in La Mancha in Toledo that is totally flat with no stones or rivers. But that didn’t mean we were going to give up practicing our favorite sport: we set up a small trial area for bike (my brother Alejandro is runner-up in Spain in bike trial) and motorcycle with several trucks of granite rocks, where we train whenever we can.
For 2011 I would like to run the Madrid championship for blues and score points for cadets, run the tests of Castilla la Mancha and Extremadura, also go to some event of the Spanish championship.
TRIALWORLD: How do you organize yourself to reconcile training and studies?
I study enough to pass and get good grades since I am studying 2nd bilingual and it requires a little more effort, but as long as it is not exam time there is time for both things although the main thing is always the studies.
TW: Tell us what your training is like during a normal week of class and what it’s like in another week when there’s a race on the weekend.
In a normal week a couple of days on the rocks at home, Saturday with the bike in Torrelodones and Sunday in Arges In the weeks of competitions I try to do normally one more day.
TW: Is it necessary to complement motorcycle training with physical preparation or is it not so important at your age?
Yes, although not very intense, I complement it with tennis and bike trial.
TW: Where do you think is the key and the difference between a young guy who starts doing trials to have fun and another who wants to be a professional?
Especially in training hours.
TW: What do you like most about racing?
Seeing people with the same hobby as me.
TW: Anything that doesn’t convince you?
The open free and getting up so early to go to the trials.
TW: Would you like to dedicate yourself professionally to Trial or do you think it is a good springboard to do other off-road specialties? See Mario Román…
At the moment I’m only thinking about trial.
TW: What do you think of the regulation? Do you think it favors the arrival of young promises?
I’m not convinced by open free. Also, I think it’s a real mess for the viewers.
TW: Do you do a lot of media to stand out in Trial or does the skill of the rider and his perseverance in training count more?
What counts the most is skill but also having good means.
TW: Finally, tell us where you would like to go in the world of Trial and in what timeframe you would like to achieve it.
About the age of twenty-five and become among the top 10 drivers
DOB: 23-08-1997
Place: Orea (Guadalajara)
First bike: 50 clipic
Hobbies: tennis, bike trials and in summer going out with friends
Most Admired Pilot Adam Raga
Favorite video game: juiced 2
Bike you use: Gas Gas Racin 2010 T3 Trial yTT
What you like most about trials: The atmosphere of trials and when I identify with the bike.
What you like the least: The queues that form in some trials.
A dream: to be in the trial of nations.
2005: Juvenile Champion Castilla La Mancha.
2006: runner-up in Castilla La Mancha
2007: 3 second places in Madrid alevín
2008: A fifth place in the Madrid Youth Championship.
2009: Madrid Youth Champion.
2010: Runner-up in Madrid Cadet.
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