I am a young rider from Madrid, a 4th year student of the E.S.O. to whom the Three Wise Men brought his first motorcycle when he was three years old. I always accompanied my father on his races and really enjoyed watching him at the races. When he finished, we would go together so that I could do some “zonilla”. I started competing in the Madrid championship when I was five years old and at the age of nine I already participated in races for various autonomies and at different levels in order to progress, something I have continued to do until today, as long as studies and family finances allow it. Luckily, I think that as I have always done, reconciling my responsibilities is not so difficult for me and both the sporting and academic results are quite good, although I have to admit that it is difficult for me to do so. I’m better at school than the bike (for now).
Date of Birth: 10/8/95.
Place: Madrid.
First bike: Beta Mini trial.
Hobbies: Playing basketball, riding bikes, hanging out with my amig@s.
Favorite video game: Medal of honor.
· Current bike: Gas Gas TXT PRO 125cc. BRAKES
What I like most about trial: Overcoming obstacles that others would think impossible.
My least favourite: The days when you don’t get anything.
A dream: To be remembered, not only as a driver but also as a person.
TRIALWORLD: What are your plans for the 2011 season?
NACHO FERNANDEZ: On a sporting level I will continue to enjoy riding the bike and try to achieve good results in my first year in the junior category both nationally and in Europe, (stepping on a podium I think would be very good, although it will be difficult because the opponents are very good). Academically, finish the E.S.O. with a good average and be as well prepared as possible for the baccalaureate
TW: How do you organize yourself to reconcile training and studies?
NF: The first thing I’ve ever done It’s prioritizing my goals and taking the measures to make sure they are met as much as possible. My main priority is studies; To reconcile them, what I do is study and do my homework as soon as I get home from school, and if there is time left over try to set something up (I do this alone since my father works) although if I tell the truth right now in winter it is difficult to ride since it gets very early at night, So what I usually do is make the most of the time of the weekend and try to ride as much as possible.
TW: What does your usual training look like during a normal week of class?
NF: On the bike it’s rather little due to the lack of time and the fact that I’m alone, although if there’s an important race on the weekend I try to make an extra effort and take time from anywhere and train a little more.
TW: Is it necessary to complete motorcycle training with physical preparation?
NF: I think so because in trial you always have to have a cool head to make good decisions and for that you don’t have to be exhausted, that’s why I run and ride a bike to be able to have a good heart rate and be well prepared aerobically.
TW: Where do you think is the difference between a normal guy who starts doing trials for fun and someone who wants to dedicate himself professionally to it?
NF: Both have to have fun although if you want to be good you have to have discipline and sacrifice some things to “put in hours”, etc, the important thing is to have fun because if a person wants to dedicate himself to something and does not have fun he will not get it no matter how much he practices it, it is the main thing.
TW: What do you like most about racing?
NF: That they teach me to know how to act and to be able to make decisions, sometimes under a lot of pressure, other times risky but that are actually necessary and to feel how my decisions influence my rivals, this amuses me a lot.
TW: Anything that doesn’t convince you?
NF: Dedicating myself fully to sport seems to me to be too risky a bet in my life because even if you are very good and sweep all competitions If you don’t apply yourself to your studies and leave your future only to trial, if for example one day you get injured then you are left without a plan B and you can do nothing but beg to be accepted anywhere, without having a career and in other cases even without a baccalaureate. That’s why, at the end of the day, for now I try to study more than I ride on the bike, because I think I’ll have more opportunities in the future.
TW: Would you like to dedicate yourself professionally to trial or do you think it is a good springboard to do other off-road specialties?
NF: Well, as I said before, I don’t see myself dedicating myself professionally to trial, although it wouldn’t be bad. I think that trial is a good grassroots sport for any off-road sport and I even dare to say that almost for any sport in general since it requires a lot of concentration, cold blood and above all physical and mental balance.
TW: What do you think of the new rules? Do you think it favors the arrival of young promises?
NF: Honestly, I don’t think the new regulations solve anything different from the previous one, at the level of the Spanish Championship, I think that first we would have to see that it works well in the regional championships, and then we would see. From my point of view, the trial should be more dynamic and spectacular, and I don’t think you can do that with Open Free. With the previous regulations, it was really appreciated who the good drivers were since they were the ones who managed to overcome the steps, and not like now that the driver who wins can be the one because he knows how to propose a better strategy. Also, the public, even the drivers, don’t know how the results are going, so they don’t have that emotion. Anyway the trial is bad and not only because of this, which is perhaps the least important, the main problem is that you can’t ride anywhere, there are times when friends of mine want to go see me and I leave them the bike to try and I can’t do it, Well, there’s nowhere to go. This, I think, is the real problem that young people have when it comes to starting trial.
TW: Do you need a lot of media to stand out in trial or does the skill of the rider and his perseverance in training count more?
NF: I think that skill is more important, although if the rider dedicates time to it and perseveres he will go far, if he has the means he will have it easier.
TW: Where would you like to go in the world of trial?
NF: To be remembered as a good person who enjoyed and made me enjoy doing what I like: TRIAL, and if on top of that I am champion of something, the better the sooner!
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