Young Trial Promises in Spain

jaime_busto_reporAre we ready to continue being the world’s leading potential in Trial? Will we be able to maintain the high bar set by great riders such as Manuel Soler, Jordi Tarrés, Marc Colomer, Adam Raga or Toni Bou? At Trialworld we wanted to get closer to the riders with
the most future projection to find out how they think, their training methods and how they have been forging their love
for such a unique sport.  

Text: Trialworld / Photos: Riders

Nowadays the riders that make up the Trial World Championship are around very different ages, but the already consecrated, such as Bou, Raga or Fajardo, began to stand out on the verge of coming of age. In fact, Bou had not even come of age when he won his first national title against Raga in Tona (Barcelona). Shortly afterwards he was even absolute World Champion in his debut with Montesa. Ahead of him is another historic rider that you already know and who we interviewed a few weeks ago: Manuel Soler. The “little monster” made his debut in the national championship at the age of 16 and won the title just a year later, at the age of 17. Impressive.

pol_tarresIt is common to see young 14-year-old riders with strict training plans and a race calendar that involves quite a few international trips to face the European Championship or even the World Championship, as is the case of Pol Tarrés, nephew of the great Jordi Tarrés. In fact, Pol is one of the riders with the most projection and possibly the future “Bou”, something that would surely have a positive impact on the spread of our sport, as he has never had as much fame as in Jordi’s golden era.

Of course we also have to mention Alfredo Gómez, who is making great merits at national and international level for entering the complicated “top 5”; the man from Cercedilla has a key season ahead of him to prove his worth and technical quality. Another great rider of enormous projection is Pere Borrellas, whose finesse, technique and temperance have managed to overshadow Pol Tarrés himself. We are sure that in the future we will experience great duels between the two.

In addition to these riders, already known and consolidated, we have young Trial promises of younger age who represent the future of our sport in the medium and long term. It is interesting to know their opinions, projection, training method and multiple curiosities that will surprise you as you click on the individual reports that we have prepared for them. As you can see, there are boys and girls, spread all over the height and breadth of the Iberian Peninsula, in order to evaluate the different approaches that the same sport can have with the only difference being that it is practiced in another region.

From TRIALWORLD we want to applaud the work of the parents, who have the passion, dedication and enthusiasm to instill in their children such a beautiful hobby. In the Trial they learn coexistence, competitiveness, values of ethics with nature and above all they are distracted by a truly exciting sport.

If you are reading this report and think that you should also be part of it, or you are a promise of this sport and we do not know you, do not hesitate to contact us through this email.

Without further ado, let’s get to know our protagonists:


Let’s start with Nacho Fernandez, a young rider from Madrid with a great desire to excel and perseverance in his training. This year he has been runner-up in the Spanish cadet championship and next year he will go back to Europe to continue progressing technically. His reflection is very interesting. Don’t miss it. Click here to get to know Nacho and his thoughts.


Marcos Méndez is another rider with a very high projection, very fine and technical. Marcos’ great merit is that he lives in Madrid, far from home in Ponferrada, to fight in a university degree to get an engineering degree . Marcos is an example of self-improvement and it is well worth dwelling on his reflections on the Trial and compatibility with studies.


We also have Jaime Busto, an impressive rider from Bilbao who, despite his young age, has an extensive sporting curriculum. Jaime comes from Bilbao, but has made his sporting career in the Catalan championships, which is where there are specific races for young drivers and the level is high enough to guarantee a rapid progression. You also can’t miss Jaime’s impressive photo gallery.


Daughter of Gabriel Giró and niece of the great Montesa technician Oscar Giró, María Giró has started in the world of Trial and competition with great enthusiasm. María is a young, tenacious rider surrounded by very experienced people who will surely lead the way to success in a hobby that runs in her family.


From the Balearic Islands comes Tomás Oliver, who began his love for Trial at the age of 8 and in 2005 was proclaimed regional champion of the 50cc category. Tomás talks to us about how Trial is experienced from the island and all the consequences that its geographical limitations have both in their travel to competitions and in their progression.


Venanci Vidal is a rider from Tarragona, an admirer of Adam Raga, who has been moving on motor-driven wheels since he was four years old. His reflection on the Openfree regulations and how to face his dream of being World Champion is very interesting.


Sandra needs no introduction. Sister of the current Junior World Runner-up, Alfredo Gómez, and two-time Team World Champion on her own merits , she is the best letter of introduction for the young rider from Cercedilla. She is destined to be the natural successor of Laia Sanz, whom she admires and has as a great reference. Sandra also complements Trial with other motorsport disciplines. You can’t miss it!


Another Mallorcan rider, Andreu Oliver, tells us about his experience at the Balearic Islands technification centre and the great role his father has played throughout his short sporting career. An admirer of Toni Bou and a Gas Gas 125 rider, Andreu has a truly amazing track record to his credit. Don’t miss it!


From Astur territory comes the third female promise of our report. In addition to being beautiful and charming, Nerea tells us how she lives a hobby with family tradition, where the role of her brother Adrián is being decisive for her progression and, more importantly, for her motivation. As she acknowledges in the interview, Nerea is very competitive. ¡Sec
Urochs that goes far!


Alex is a well-known rider from Alcarreño in the central area, both for his own merits and for the great love that his family has for Trial. His brother Adrian is another great rider, and both of them, supported by their father, are improving significantly year after year. Alex is a technical and very effective driver. He hopes to find a sponsor to help him face the European ” Young Cup” championship. Good luck Alex!


Daniel’s story is interesting and very curious, don’t miss it. His hobby comes from Austria, where thanks to his cousins he began to become fond of a sport that today is his true passion. Nowadays it is part of the large quarry that, as you can see in this report, is being forged in the Balearic Islands. Daniel will try to do well in the 2011 National and not miss the long-term races that he likes so much, such as Ibiza or Arinsal. He also talks to us about his summer training plan in Austria. It’s a luxury to have such a beautiful story to share with all of you. ¡Enjoy!



promesas_trial_arnau_farrecomes from a family with no biker tradition, so his parents did everything they could to fulfill their son’s dream. That’s how they got in touch with Ciriac Grados, who was teaching at Santa Maria de Montbui at the time. Ciriac himself was the one who encouraged the family to enter Arnau in competition, given his great skills at the controls of a trial bike. Two years later they had the opportunity to contact Marcel Justribó, illustrious European Trial Champion, so that he could continue to instruct the young Arnau. Thanks to this experience they have been able to meet many people and enjoy a unique sport where the great talent of this young rider also allows them to aim very high.


promesas_trial_marc_ribais another rider who has inherited his passion for Trial through his family’s hobby. His father quickly saw his talent for riding a motorcycle and did not hesitate to write to the Catalan Federation to request that Marc could make his debut in competition at just 6 years old! From there they have both built a beautiful passion, training, competing and measuring themselves against other young promises with the aim of having fun, playing sports and, as Marc tells us, perhaps one day being a professional. In his interview, he even talks about his rivals, such as Arnau Farré and Jaime Busto.

 JULIAN MONTALVOpromesas_montalvo

 We come from a town (Orea) in the province of Guadalajara, the hobby started with my father, who although his thing was speed, once he tried a Sherpa  and since then he switched to trial.When I was born I wanted nothing  more than to  teach myself ,although at first I wasn’t very enthusiastic, then when I was doing well in the trials, first in the championship of Castilla La Mancha and then in Madrid, I started to like it more and more every day, until now which is one of the things I like the most.


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