The learning stage and progression is directly linked to the motivation of the users. Motivation that needs from the purest amateur who gets on the bike for the first time, as well as all those who, already with a base, seek to reach the next level in search of new sensations or personal challenges. Beyond these are the riders who seek to be professionals, and above these are the consecrated ones, such as Toni Bou, Adam Raga or Takahisa Fujinami. All of them, regardless of level or circumstance, will continue to learn new things day by day, because if the history of Trial has shown anything, it is that there is always evolution.
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Text Jordi Pascuet & DQ / Photos Jordi Pascuet
At Trialworld we have received multiple proposals to create a school section that facilitates continuous learning for our readers. We were already counting on it, because we ourselves are the first ones who need to improve every day and discover new concepts, or simple obsessions, that prevented this progression.
I’m sure you’ve often thought: “if someone had explained this technique to me some time ago or corrected such a defect, I’m sure my evolution would have been faster”. So do we. That’s why we want to make things easier for you and, although we know that the key to success is to dedicate many hours of training, help you set new goals that favor our motivation.
For all this, what better than to contact a rider whose life has always revolved around Trial, both as an amateur, as a professional rider, as a tester and for some time now, as a teacher. Jordi Pascuet, European Champion, Spanish Junior and Senior B Champion, in addition to being a top ten in the World Championship for many years and winner of numerous long-term races, will be the prestigious instructor for all Triaworld readers.
Pascuet, in addition to joining the Trial show team called Trialshows together with Marcel Justribó, directs the Pascuet Off Road Center (, where it periodically gives face-to-face Trial courses for amateurs of all levels and offers the possibility of making impressive routes led through the heart of the Pyrenees. If you manage to apply all the tips that will be broken down in the different chapters and you have the option of attending their face-to-face classes at some point, we guarantee a quick and efficient progression.