Adam Raga, runner-up in the 2013 Indoor Trial World Championship, and Bou remains unbeaten

Raga wins the game against Cabestany for the runner-up position in the world championship
Last night the fifth and final round of the X Trial World Championship was held in Nice, France. Toni Bou arrived at the event with his homework done and with the title under his arm. He achieved this in Germany last March. There is no one who coughs at the rider from Montesa and in both the national and indoor world championship races, held so far, he counts his participations by victories.

Yesterday he did it again in front of a French audience that was able to enjoy his mastery in first person. But theinteresting thing about this race was not to know who won it but which rider would become runner-up in the world championship. To the joy of Spanish motorcycling, three of our athletes played for the second final position, Adam Raga, Albert Cabestany and Jeroni Fajardo.

The three teamswere very even in points in the general classification, so any of them had a chance of being proclaimed runner-up. The best placed was Raga, who depended on himself, but Cabestany was only one point less than him. Fajardo came in fourth with 4 points less than Adam and three less than Albert.

After the Semi-Final, the three plus Bou were left alone in the ring to fight for the podium positions but also for the runner-up. As we said, the rider from Piera won them all, closing the competition unbeaten and equalling the record of victories in this contest, but Adam did a great job being very close to Bou and leaving both Fajardo and Cabestany far behind.

With Bou as champion and Raga as runner-up, Cabestany and Fajardo also battled for third place in the final. In Nice, the rider from Beta beat the rider from Sherco but not in the championship which, tied on points, Cabestany took the bronze medal.

With the end of the 2013 X Trial World Championship, it is an honour for Spanish motorcycling to observe the general classification. Four Spaniards, the four magnificent, occupy the top positions showing that here are the best riders in this specialty.

All of them will return to competition on the weekend of April 27 and 28 with the start of the outdoor Trial World Championship and on May 12 with the national in Sigüenza.

Adam Raga: “I saw the win really close today. I’ve been riding very well on the bike and I’m proud of the work the whole team has done to improve since the result in Malaga. Everyone has done their part and we are grateful for that. 
For my part, to finish second again in the world championships, it’s like a 31st birthday present. I was there to win, I made only one mistake in one area and the last one, at a very high level, I did it better than anyone else, with a zero, but to beat Toni Bou you have to go very, very well. I value this second position very positively; I’ve had a championship from less to more and I’ve also learned to be calm when things don’t go my way. Coming back from seventh place in Sheffield was very difficult, and it is to our credit that we are now celebrating the runner-up position. Also, with a view to starting the World Cup in Japan in a fortnight, it’s very motivating.”

Toni Bou: “We couldn’t ask for more, two victories in the first two rounds with the new engine make us feel absolutely satisfied. In qualifying we struggled but in the semi-final I defended well and this win tastes like glory. I have no words to explain how I feel with these 21 consecutive victories and these three years unbeaten in this championship, which I have already said on other occasions is the one I like the most. I’m very proud of that and to be on this great team.”

Takahisa Fujinami: “Today I used the new engine for the first time in competition and I felt the lack of adaptation time. I had good feelings but also moments of less confidence and hence a result that was not good. However, the balance of the championship is positive. Toni and Montesa have won everything and I have achieved two podiums. From this moment on I start to think about the outdoor World Cup, and even more so knowing that this time it starts in my country.”


X-Trial Nice Classifications


Toni Bou

5 points


Adam Raga (Gas Gas)

6 points


Jeroni Fajardo

17 points


Albert Cabestany

19 points


Matteo Grattarola (Gas Gas)



Takahisa Fujinami


X-Trial World Championship Final


Toni Bou

100 points


Adam Raga (Gas Gas)

58 points


Albert Cabestany

51 points


Jeroni Fajardo

51 points


Takahisa Fujinami

39 points


Matteo Grattarola (Gas Gas)

19 points


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