The Cronosport motorcycle club organizes the second round of the 2020 Aragonese trial championship in the town of Caspe. The province of Zaragoza borders the provinces of Huesca and Teruel and a few kilometres away with Lleida, Tarragona and Catellón. It will be played on Sunday 1 March 2020. The areas of the Clean Xperience BikePark trial area, on the banks of the Ebro reservoir, will be used. The categories of the race are TR1, TR1 PLUS, TR2, TR3, TR4 and juniors.
The race will consist of a total of 10 areas distributed over an approximate route of 8 km on the banks of the Ebro reservoir. All the areas are natural, highlighting large areas of sandstone rock characteristic of the terrain. The inter-zone is a path and can be followed by amateurs on motorbikes or bikes.
It will begin at 8:30 a.m. by inviting participants and companions to a popular luncheon. After the awards ceremony, a meal will be organized in a restaurant in the area with a price for pilots or companions of €15.
Registrations can be processed through the FARAM website, or directly on the day of the race, after paying the registration fee of €35 and presenting the federation insurance.
The information required for the test is as follows:
VENUE: Area Clean Xperience BikePark.
DATE: 01 March 2020.
DURATION: From 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.