Changes in the regulations of the 2014 Spanish Classic Trial Cup

Sprite 480Classic Trial Cup On February 22, the national Classic Trial competition begins. The year comes with some changes in its regulations, although the scoring system by coefficients and the two-day tests will continue to be the main axes.

Already in 2013 the decision was made to hold the races on Saturday and Sunday to lower costs. Due to the good result, the same format will continue in 2014. The first appointment will be in Tarragona on February 22 and 23 with MC Tarragona.

The second is scheduled for the weekend of April 26 and 27 in Sigüenza, Guadalajara, and with MC Alcarreño as organizer. The third and last will be held in Alcanadre, La Rioja, on June 7 and 8 with MC Calahorra at the helm.

The categories are Classic Yellows , for beginner riders and very low level areas, Trial Greens for inexperienced participants and Expert Blues with medium level areas. The coefficients have varied from last year. These will be the ones that will determine the final classification of each event. Depending on the age of the motorcycle, you will have one, rewarding the oldest and most original. Participants will not have to choose the category based on their bike but on their skill.

The years of manufacture of these will generate correction coefficients in the chosen category: 0.70 for motorcycles from 1950 to 1967; 0.80 from 1968 to 1974; 0.90 from 1975 to 1980; 1’00 from 1981 to 1986 and 1’10 for Open or motorcycles without a Historical Record. This adjustment responds to a better compensation studied in 2013 and to the fact that in this way there is only a bonus, never a penalty.

Riders who marked their RH (Historical Record) last season and whose number begins with A and M do not have to send it back to the RFME, but those whose number begins with the letter T do.

Registrations for the first race can now be made through the website of the Royal Spanish Motorcycling Federation (

The riders of the Spanish Classic Trial Cup and their well-kept museum machines are ready for the start of the competition. This is the link where the regulations, historical record sheet, etc. are located

Text: RFME

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