Although unfortunately it is always a topical issue, Rarely do we address the negative and sad side that mountain bike lovers suffer. Severe regulation, devoid of alternatives, prevents many enthusiasts from being able to train or enjoy the mountains freely with their motorbike, And those of us who do, expose ourselves to large administrative fines.
In reality, we can say that we are practically buying a product from “prohibited use” dealerships. Brands, on the other hand, are more concerned with selling their production, even if it means increasing exports and opening new markets, than with providing logical and practical solutions so that all those who invest 6,000 euros in a hobby have a safe place to enjoy it.
There are always exceptional cases, where congratulations are to be congratulated , such as Catalonia, where this law was recently approved, or towns such as Pobladura de las Regueras or Boñar, where it has been shown that having a Trial area is lifting the economies of the region.
At Trialworld we have created the Trialworld School, with the aim of to promote the grassroots and adult sport of Trial, offering courses in the Community of Madrid with all kinds of environmental and local permits, so that Fans have a place where they can progress safely and safely. Initiatives like this are what help us grow as fans in the face of a legislative giant that is hitting us hard.
We leave you with a recent news item that addresses this problem. We look forward to your feedback!
Text: David Quer
The Forestry Agents of the Community of Madrid filed 322 complaints and carried out a total of 16 special measures during 2011 throughout the region to prevent the circulation of motor vehicles and improper parking in forests and forest lands, as well as on cattle trails. If the complaint is on a livestock road, it is sent to the Livestock Roads Area. If it happens in forest or forests, the complaint will be sent to the Environmental Discipline Area.
devices are set up in cases where a specific incident is detected, such as in nesting areas, a massive influx of motorcyclists in the countryside or complaints received by town councils and users. It is common to find vehicles circulating in these areas or parked without the corresponding authorisation during surveillance work or when travelling to carry out other services. These people are informed of the restrictions on transit and may be subject to a fine, which ranges from 150 to 600 euros.
For preventive reasons, and even more so now due to the high temperatures, the legislation relating to both livestock routes and forestry (Livestock Roads Law and Forestry Law), prohibit the circulation of motor vehicles on such land, except in the cases expressly authorized, in order to hinder the possible massive influx by these means into the natural environment in order to minimize, among other possible damages, that can produce a spark that ignites the vegetation, the dumping of rubble and rubbish, the abandonment of waste, nuisance to wildlife, as well as the initiation of soil erosion processes as a result of the transit of vehicles through them.
Devices in nesting areas
The Ministry of the Presidency and Justice, which reports to Regina Plañiol, has been developing for several years, through the Corps of Forestry Agents, devices for the control of motor vehicles in nesting and camping areas of the most sensitive species, especially during breeding periods.
In addition, they carry out similar devices in areas with a special influx of motor vehicles, areas where debris, rubbish or household goods are dumped, as well as those where there are clear signs of environmental deterioration due to the erosive processes that originate as a result of the transit of both motorcycles and motorcycles as well as other types of vehicles, in forest areas off the tracks and other roads.
The purpose of these controls is to enforce the current legislation on Livestock Routes, forests and forest land (national and regional) so that priority livestock or forestry use and complementary uses (walking, cycling, horseback riding, as well as the access of agricultural machinery to the farms that border them) are respected. The rest of the vehicles (4×4, quads or motorcycles) that need to circulate through these authentic ecological corridors of the Natura 2000 Network, as well as the forest tracks, will require express authorization from the competent Ministry.
According to
the regulations in force, and in general, the circulation of motor vehicles in the mountains under the responsibility of the Community of Madrid is limited to the authorized transit routes, conditioned and with the corresponding signage, in order to avoid those impacts that could have a negative impact on the current state of the soil, flora, vegetation, fauna and other natural values, and in order to reduce or eliminate other harmful effects, such as the emission or discharge of pollutants and the production of noise.
Text and source: Association of Forestry Agents of the Community of Madrid (link)