41st edition of the 3-day Trial in Santigosa begins with 150 riders and the victory of Alfredo Gómez
• 150 riders took the start on the first day of the 41st edition of the “3 Dies Trial Santigosa”.
• Alfredo Gómez wins the first day ahead of Oscar Giró and Francesc Moret.
• Adam Raga and Jeroni Fajardo took part in the first day.
• Many followers have come to the areas as the weather has been good throughout the day.
At 8:30 a.m. , the 41st edition of the “3 Dies Trial Santigosa” began in Sant Joan de les Abadesses (Girona), with 151 riders on the starting line distributed among all categories. The participants had to overcome a total of 30 sections spread over a 45 km circuit.
The winner of the first day was Alfredo Gómez, who did not penalise any points. The second classified is Oscar Giró with 2 points, while the third position is occupied by Francesc Moret, also with 2 points, but who in the last zone has made more feet than Giró. On the other hand, Jordi Pascuet is seventh with 6 points.
Adam Raga and Jeroni Fajardo have participated in this first day although they will not run the 3DTS. The riders have offered a good trial exhibition to all the attendees and have enjoyed all the areas of the circuit.
Throughout the day there have been a good number of spectators who have followed the development of the first day of the race since, although there were bad weather forecasts, the weather has been good and it has hardly rained.
1 Alfredo Gomez Gas Gas 0
2 Oscar Giró Montesa 2
3 Francesc Moret Montesa 2
4 David Millan Jotagas 3
5 Carles Esteve Sherco 5
www.3dts.org / www.motoclubabadesses.cat
Twitter: @MC_Abadesses @trialworld / hashtag: #3dts