Demonstration “yes to the bike” 29-OCT

camiseta_mani_400The demonstration will take place on October 29 in Madrid (if there are no changes pending the permits of the Government Delegation), it will start from the Plaza de Colón towards Rios Rosas, where it will end at the door of the Ministry of the Environment.

It will be a peaceful march on foot, which will make it easier to attend.

The call is for the whole of Spain, communiqués will be disseminated in the different Motorcycle Clubs, Federations and Associations of the Autonomous Communities, so that as many people as possible attend.

Elite pilots in attendance, such as Julián Simón, Barragán, Mario Román, Dany Torres, among others who have also confirmed attendance, will carry the banner at the top, while ahead of them A group of children carrying a banner saying that their future as athletes is in danger. On either side of these children will be two female riders, enduro and trial, with their respective bikes and equipment, who will be Sandra Polo in enduro and Sandra Gómez in trial, which is still to be confirmed.

At the end of it, we will try to get the head of the Environment or a representative in his place, to be present so that one of the children can deliver the proposals in question.

We look forward to seeing you!

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