EVO 290 2011 Beta Test

Despite the rapid evolution of the market and the proliferation of new brands with groundbreaking technical solutions, Beta continues to firmly commit to the philosophy that has governed its predecessors, introducing few and select novelties, but well focused on the same goal; Looking ahead to the 2011 edition, it is none other than improving the distribution of weights to gain effectiveness.
For this event we also have the prestigious collaboration of Marcel Justribó, European Champion 1995, a perfect connoisseur of the brand and a rider with innate skills who today maintains his love of Trial with an enviable passion. Don’t miss his interesting statements.

In detail: the engine.

As you can see, the list of new features announced by Beta about its Trial model, called EVO, is really short. Basically, work has been done on repositioning the engine block in search of new, higher geometries, in order to improve the center of gravity of the whole.

In detail: the chassis.

Obviously, the frame stays have undergone slight modifications to receive the aforementioned changes in the position of the engine block. The rest of the changes have followed the same direction, so that the handlebars are now more forward and lower, in order to get more feel on the front end and allow the bike to roll more evenly.
In the suspension section there are changes in the shock absorber, which is announced to be harder, in order to better withstand strong impacts, where until now the Beta sinned of being somewhat soft and unstable. Finally, the list of new features is completed with small details, such as the rear brake with integrated pump, lighter (and wider screws in the case of the plastics that fix the bodywork) and changes to the rear rim in search of greater tightness.

Thorough Testing

You only have to look back to understand the reason behind the few changes that Beta introduces to its models from year to year. Both the Techno and the Rev3 remained on the market for around eight editions without receiving transcendental changes, except for a few specific exceptions. The reading we want to make is that Beta bets on a great radical change every certain number of years, where the frame and mechanics are almost completely renewed, instead of doing it progressively, like Gas Gas or Sherco.
The EVO came coinciding with the last round of the World Championship, in Castellolí (Barcelona) 2008, just when Bou was once again proclaimed Trial World Champion. We were there when the people of Beta, under the watchful eyes of spectators such as Fajardo or Lampkin, raised the curtain on the new Italian saga, which ended up being called EVO. The two drivers of the brand declared that they had not intervened in the evolution of this prototype, and judging by the list of novelties that Beta has been announcing these editions of the EVO, they must not have intervened too much (probably by someone else’s will) in the evolution of the production model. Now the reins are in the hands of James Dabill, who has already made his debut with it at the Sheffield indoor with very good feelings.
Without further ado, we’re going to get behind the wheel of the Beta EVO 290 to reveal all its charms. To do this, we have the prestigious collaboration of Marcel Justribó, who knows the transalpiba brand perfectly, since he competed at the controls of Techno in high competition. Marcel is European Champion 1995 and currently collaborates with Jordi Pascuet in the itinerant Trial show called Trialshows, as well as giving private Trial lessons in Lleida.

At the controls

As usual, to start its 289cc piston we must look for the starter lever on the left side. The operation is easy and effective both hot and cold, so the adaptation for right-handed users is immediate. Once underway, the Evo immediately provides us with a cocktail of sensations: the general poise of the set is appreciated, the thinness of its shapes inspires lightness and the panoramic view from the control station confirms the good finish of the whole set. As we said, the gearbox retains the excellent feel and precision of the previous versions, with a rather short travel compared to its rivals.
It only takes us another few minutes to confirm that it is still a bike marked by an accentuated personality and unmistakable Beta character, with that nerve and balance that gives the rider great confidence when he is at the controls. We are not going to deceive you and it is true that understanding the reactions of the EVO is not as simple as in other brands, but requires a small adaptation process to finish feeling comfortable. If you have enough patience and trust, our protagonist assures that, thanks to her many secrets, you will learn something new with her every day.

The Engine

Mechanically, the Evo works like clockwork. The engine pushes hard from low revs, but with enough subtlety not to compromise traction. From there, the response is very fine and linear, leading to a high heart-stopping speed well justified by a truly chilling maximum power for a 2T of these characteristics. Finally, I would like to confirm that the clutch is fast and efficient, although perhaps too sensitive for the average amateur; Nothing that can’t be cured by putting an extra dose of hours on the bike.

The Cycle Part

The characteristics of this clutch contribute to it being quite physically demanding. Obviously, it is more so in closed spaces, where you have to work a lot with the body to compensate for a rear end that in previous editions has been inconclusive and imprecise. With the arrival of a new, generously harder spring, the rider’s sensations and confidence have improved significantly when it comes to making big obstacles. At the front, it rolls like a line screw. A good compromise between poise and stability has been achieved. It is agile and very noble; Generally intuitive.

Marcel Justribó’s opinion

“My personal opinion couldn’t be more positive, I think it’s the best bike currently on the market. Its engine is very thin, nothing rough, so it allows you to get to grips with the bike quickly and get the most out of it in any type of area. When things get complicated and you have to go with a lot of throttle, the response at high revs is also impeccable for riders of any level. I must also say that I love the sound of the exhaust, it is characteristic of Beta, with a lot of personality and always full.
Another detail to highlight is the successful exchange rate proposed by Beta. The first one is perfect for making areas of stones, with touch, and balance. The second is perfect as a standard speed if you don’t have much level, as it allows you to face almost any type of obstacle and it is easy to feel comfortable without having to pay attention to this section. Personally, I tend to use the first one a lot for comfort. The latter offers great differences from the former, so if you learn to manage the differences between the two well, you will be able to get the most out of its engine. The third is also very versatile, especially for ramps and large steps.
The suspensions are very nice. The rear has improved a lot with the new spring, I love the stability and help it offers when jumping and climbing steps. It’s not bouncy at all. Nothing to object to in front of you either; the fork comes very thin as it comes out of the standard, although it would be good to adjust it if you are going to do high-level trials, since in large obstacles you can find the stop.
The clutch is one of the weak points that the Beta can have, although only when cold, when the discs are very close and when the speed engages the bike tends to move forward. It’s just a matter of getting used to it, nothing serious…
At the frame level, Beta continues to maintain the good line of previous versions, also reminding me of the Montesa, where it is easy to find balance and feel stability. Nothing to complain about when it comes to the driving position: very neutral and comfortable.”


The Beta EVO is a bike that shines with its own light. It is a quite different and personal concept compared to the rest of the models, very well finished in all sections and full of surprises that invite the user to learn something new on each outing. Quality, great details, and a job well done abound. It will not disappoint you because it is a great bike whose main drawback is none other than the unstoppable evolution that its rivals are experiencing. It’s easy to fall behind from one year to the next, and Beta for 2012 should impose a good diet on the EVO if it wants to keep up, both in competition and in dealerships.

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