Francesc Moret wins the Three Days of Trial in Santigosa

Moret Santiposayoung rider Francesc Moret was the winner of the Three Days of Trial in Santigosa by beating the rider with the most victories in the race on an exciting last day. The event, traditionally held on Easter days, in the town of Sant Joan de les Abadesses, Girona, has had an extraordinary participation, exceeding two hundred participants.

Moret achieved victory on the last of the three days, where he ended up beating Jordi Pascuet, the rider with the highest number of victories in this historic long-duration trial race, the second most important in the world. Francesc Moret controlled the first day well, being only one point away from Pascuet; He attacked on Saturday, being the best of the day, and on Sunday, starting with the same number of points as Pascuet, He was smart to see that the rain could complicate the condition of the terrain and he drove fast so that it would not affect him. Despite being penalized four points, he ended up winning the race as Pascuet was unable to make it through the last section.

Francesc Moret’s success was also joined by the third place finish for Jorge Casales. The Gas Gas School of Champions rider was the best on the last day and a single mistake deprived him of having more options to fight for the final victory together with Moret and Pascuet. Also noteworthy is the young German Franzi Kadlec, who in addition to finishing in fifth place also took the victory in the Junior category.

Laia Sanz participated on Saturday

The tireless Laia Sanz started her trial season participating in this race, although she was only present on one of the three days. On Saturday, Laia took the start of the test with her TXT 280 R as a further step in her preparation, and was very satisfied with her level of riding in the sections, most of which were very slippery.

Classifications 3 Days of Trial of Santigosa 2013

1.       Francesc Moret (Gas Gas)        7 points

2.       Jordi Pascuet                                9 points

3.       Jorge Casales (Gas Gas)          12 points

4.       Pol Tarrés                                    17 points

5.       Franzi Kadlec (Gas Gas)           18 points

Full Standings Three Days of Trial of Santigosa 2013 

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