The last round of the 2020 Spanish Trial Championship, scheduled for November 14 and 15 in Cal Rosal (Barcelona) by the Moto Club Baix Berguerdà, can be held definitively, but without spectators.
Mobility restrictions are conditioning travel throughout the country and have cast doubt on the holding of this scoring race with all the guarantees. However, in an official statement, the Catalan Motorcycling Federation clarifies that: “the postponement of all sports competitions planned in Catalonia during the period of validity of this resolution is established, with the exception of official state, international and professional competitions, which must be held without an audience”.
In this case, as it is a national competition, it may be held and receive all the categories called.
Faced with the possibility that participants live in confined areas, the Spanish Motorcycling Federation sends a reassuring message and will assume the drafting of safe-conducts for all participants who need them: