Passion for trial
I have been fully dedicated to the world of Trial for almost 40 years, and throughout all these years the motivation and passion I feel for this sport has not changed since day one. There are only a few of us trialists, but we live our hobby like no one else. In all these years of professional dedication, I have had the opportunity to take my first steps in all forms of motorcycling, even in much more striking environments, but trial has always been where I have felt most comfortable.
The professionalization of recent years has complicated things a bit, but trial continues to defend itself as an amateur discipline and capable of accommodating everyone. Obviously, everything has changed a lot over the years. From the first Sherpa T that I tuned, to the last Shercos of today, the technical leap has been abysmal, although as always, I have defended and continue to apply to my bikes the simple conception of the Sherpa , which has always represented a way to follow.
Trial still needs that simplicity and an understanding of the amateur sense. In the end, this is what makes it possible for races like the Sottish to continue to make history; or even going much closer, the 3 days of Santigosa or the 2 days of Arinsal, where the real protagonist is the trial and its practitioners.
As I’ve always shown, I like ideas and challenges. There is no doubt that it is a difficult time for everyone, but the motivation and passion for this sport is immune to almost everything, as shown by the initiative of this new website dedicated to trial, which I strongly applaud. Knowing David, with criteria and rigor, passionate and good trialist, we are sure that we will all enjoy an excellent meeting point on the net and a clear reference for information about the Trial bike.
The passion for Trial is capable of continuing to provoke initiatives as positive as that of Trialworld
Josep R. Paxau