With the World Indoor Championships already decided in favor of Toni Bou, but with an indoor race still to be played, the best riders in the world face this weekend (24 and 25 March) the second round of the Spanish Trial Championship on the island of Ibiza.
The race will be scored for the TR1, TR2, TR3, TR3+35, Junior and Cadet categories, so the excitement is more than guaranteed for all attendees. From a sporting point of view, Toni Bou will try to maintain his high pace of the indoor world championship, knowing that Raga has already overtaken him in the first round and any mistake could be decisive for the championship.
In this year’s edition there are two great novelties. The first is that there will be no indoor area in Vara de Rey and it will be held in the Reina Sofía Park. The other change we have already seen successfully in Castellolí and it refers to the change in regulations, which abandons the Openfree system and returns to the traditional one.
So far, no rider has repeated victory in Ibiza. In the first edition, held in 2009, the winner was the Japanese Takahashi Fujinami. The following year, Raga narrowly beat Toni Bou, and last year the victory went to the latter.
This year the same structure, route and location of last year’s areas will be carried out:
The padock, car park and organisation of the event will be located at the Ibiza fairgrounds, as in the 2009 and 2011 editions.
All the organization of the race will be set up there and it will be where all the acts of the race will be carried out (verifications, controls, departure of pilots, trophy ceremony), there will also be a training area and an indoor area (the last one on the route).
The areas will be mostly located in the vicinity of “Sa Cantera den Canyes”, an indoor one in the centre of Ibiza in the Reina Sofia park and an indoor one in the fairgrounds.
Most of the areas are grouped in this location so that they are more accessible to the public and so they can comfortably follow the entire race (you can walk to all the areas). There will also be coaches that will follow the route of the race so that people can follow it without having to take any vehicle (they will roll from the fairgrounds, Paseo Vara de Rey, Can Canyes quarry and Reina Sofía Park)
Friday 23
– Opening of the padock at the RECINTO FERIAL DE IBIZA at 15:00 so that the participants’ trucks can start preparing for the race
Saturday 24
– TrialShow exhibitions in the Reina Sofia Park (at 12:30 and 17:30) by the incomparable Jordi Pascuet and Marcel Justribó.
– Official pilot training from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Fairgrounds and Quarry of Canyes)
– Administrative and technical verifications at the Fairgrounds from 4 to 7 p.m.
Sunday 25
Competition – Departure of the drivers from the Fairgrounds from 8:30 a.m.
– Competition Zones:
Den Canyes quarry path (zones 1 to 10)
Reina Sofia Park Areas (zone 11)
Fairgrounds Zone (zone 12)
At 15:00 – 15:30 (** to be confirmed, as it depends on the number of participating drivers) Trophy ceremony and end of the party at the fairgrounds.
Text: Trialworld / Source: MC Ibiza and Formentera