Jaime Busto, 2023 Spanish Trial Champion after winning in Camprodón

Jaime Busto has renewed his title of Spanish Trial Champion after winning the last round of the calendar, held yesterday in the Girona town of Camprodón, where the Noassar trial area is located.

In the context of a route that did not present too many difficulties for the leading trio of the top category, only zones 3, 4 and 5 were the ones that really made the difference. By the end of the first lap the race was wide open and the victory could fall into the hands of Jaime Busto, Adam Raga or Gabriel Marcelli. The rest of the riders, with Aniol Gelabert in the lead, completed this first lap with ten points more than the Montesa rider.

In the second lap Jaime Busto gave no respite to his rivals, overcoming the twelve sections without any penalty and achieving a resounding victory that allowed him to celebrate the title from the top of the podium. Behind the GASGAS rider, Adam Raga overtook Gabriel Marcelli, his main rival in the fight for the runner-up position, thus achieving this silver medal in what was his last outdoor race at the controls of a TRRS.

Off the podium, in fourth position, Aniol Gelabert completed the race, ahead of Jeroni Fajardo, Miquel Gelabert, Alex Canales, Gerard Trueba, Jorge Casales and Sondre Haga.

Third Spanish Championship title for Jaime Busto
Jaime Busto achieved victory in Camprodón
Adam Raga is finally runner-up in Spain 2023
Marcelli was looking for the runner-up position, but in the end he was third in the race and championship


In TR2 victory and title for Gil Vila, followed by Mats Nilsen and Milosz Zyznowski. The runner-up in the category was Pau Martínez.

In TR3 victory for Rodrigo Marchal, who was already champion of the category in Entrimo, followed by Jordi Camp and Gabriel Giró.

In Junior, victory for Xurxo Neo, followed by Miquel Alarcón and Arnau Maura. Miquel Alarcón, thanks to his P2 in Camprodón and obtaining, as a worst result, a second in some races of the year, was the one who won the gold medal in this category.

In Cadet 125 we also had champion from Entrimo and Ryon Land confirmed this title with a new victory, followed by Oriol García and Joan Mir. In the Cadet Cup, the victory went to Jorge García, followed by Roger Monteserrat and Ero Álvarez. Jorge García stood out above the others in the Cadet Cup but it was not enough to prevent Roger Montserrat from winning the title

In TR4 triumph and gold medal in the championship for Héctor Gairín, followed by Joan Ricart and Cristian Naranjo. In TR5, the top step of the podium went to Marc Planella, followed by Pau Castias and Héctor Márquez.

As for Juvenile, in category A victory and title for Francisco Osuna, followed by Otger Martí and Aleix Avalos. In Juvenil B , victory and title for Lucas Rodríguez at the controls of an Electric Motion, accompanied on the podium by Edgar Falcó and Haitz Lertxundi.

In Veterans, we have Joan Solé as the winner in category A , followed by Rubén García and José María Segura, the latter being the winner of the championship. In Veterans B the victory went to Gabriel Giró, followed by Manuel Panizo and Mikel Lertxundi, however the title went to Salvador Planella, who was fourth.

In the women’s category, solid dominance was achieved by Maria Giró, who beat Laia Pi, the new Spanish Champion in the category, and Daniela Hernando. In women’s TR2 , María Lopez del Río won and was titled, followed by Ada Martí and Yaiza Blanco.

With this event, the 2023 Spanish Championship is officially concluded and only the two rounds of the X-Trial World Championship are ahead of us, to be held in Madrid on November 4 and in Vendée on November 11.

Gil Vila is the new Spanish TR2 Trial Champion
Rodrigo Marchal TR3 Spanish Champion with Electric Motion

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TR1 CET camprodon 2023

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