The British James Dabill, driver of Vertigo, is proclaimed absolute champion of this 45th edition of the 3DTS.
This morning, the more than 200 pilots started in half-minute intervals from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. The first number to come out was, on this occasion, the number 152 and successively the other riders came out. Today’s weather has remained stable even though it has been colder than yesterday. The public frequented the areas to see the skill of the riders and finish enjoying the trial on this last day.
Throughout the morning, the riders had to overcome 30 sections that ended indoors. In the three days, the riders did 90 different sections. The total route was about 54 km per day.
This afternoon, at half past seven, the awards ceremony took place at the centre theatre of Sant Joan de les Abadesses. The British riders have put in a good performance in this trial, dominating some of the podiums in the different categories. The overall podium was finally conquered by James Dabill, British, followed by Miquel Gelabert and Pol Tarrés in this order. Dabill, Vertigo driver, has been proclaimed champion of this 45th edition of the 3DTS. The new brands Vertigo and TRS have managed to make a place for themselves on the podium.
1 James Dabill (Vertigo) 13 points
2 Miquel Gelabert (Sherco) 14 points
3 Pol Tarrés (TRS) 22 points
4 Francesc Moret (Vertigo) 24 points
5 Benoit Dagnicourt (Vertigo) 26 points