After a few uncertain months for the future of Gas Gas, a breath of fresh wind reached the Girona factory when at the end of September it was announced that KTM would acquire Gas Gas through a Joint Venture with Black Toro Capital.
Since that statement, which also did not hint at what would happen to Gas Gas in the coming months, there has been a great silence that has been followed by the Milan Motor Show, EICMA, where the official presentation of the Gas Gas TXT 2020 de Trial, a model that is completely in continuity with its predecessor and where KTM has not intervened at all at the engineering level. And most significantly, it was the confirmation of the alliance with Pierer Mobility AG.
Although no further details have been released, everything points to 2020 being a year of transition for the brand. Sportingly, they no longer have any top riders in their ranks after the departure of Busto and Fajardo, but rumours suggest that Jorge Casales will be the spearhead driver for next season.
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