Previous 2 days Robregordo

RobregordoIn the near future, MC Sotobike will begin the actions aimed at the dispute of a new edition of the Two International Days of Classic Trial of Robregordo 2011. The race will be held on May 28 and 29 in this well-known mountain town in the Community of Madrid.

The race, in addition to being considered UEM, will once again be scoring for the Madrid Classics Championship. Proof that the event is kept more and more alive are the novelties that are going to be incorporated this year and that in the opinion of the organizers it will be more attractive if possible.

The first thing that stands out is the presentation of  a new route, since there will be about forty Kms to cover. On Saturday, there will be 25 sections with an authorized time of 6 hours plus a 30-minute penalty. On Sunday, the sections to be tackled will be 20 and 5, hours 30 minutes the time allotted.

pedro_ppalThis increase in terms of areas and the route has been meticulously studied  by Sotobike so that the refreshment area for vehicles and pilots is correctly located and the participants can have a well-deserved respite in the middle of the race.

The parc ferme will once again be located on the esplanade of the Hotel los Cerezos, at the foot of the N I, the starting point of the competition.

Another outstanding novelty that will be launched this year will be the adoption of the system for collecting penalties without a card, similar to the mythical Scottish. To avoid delays in qualifying, a team has been created dedicated exclusively to the collection of scores,  so it is expected that the time between the arrival of the last driver and the awards ceremony will be minimal.

Relative to Rankings, another novelty is incorporated this year, since on the one hand, it will be carried out a podium for the top three finishers in the Madrid trophy in each category, and in another, the results will be obtained from the total computation of both days, obtained from the classification of the Two Days and not by independent days as until now.

Remember that the test will be open to the participation of 200 pilots exclusively. Due to the interesting news, it is necessary to remember that this year the Madrid Federation has offered a cheaper  license, which will also allow you to take part in the Dos Días de los Ángeles de San Rafael and Dos Días de Dobladura de las Regueras,  in addition to all  the usual ones of the Madrilenian.

As usual in Robregordo, you can also participate as a mechanic-backpacker, for which you will have to have a valid license and do the tour with a classic motorcycle and  with the rider. Failure to comply with this rule will result in the exclusion of the pilot.

At the moment, work is being done in an intentional way, both  in the presence of an important guest pilot and in the usual visit for relatives to a point of interest in the region.

More information will soon be available on the club’s website

We leave you with some beautiful photos of classic Amateur Trial. If you want to send us yours, do not hesitate to do so through this email.

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