Previous 2 Days Santigosa Classic

2DTSOn the 20th and 21st of October, the Moto Club Abadesses will organize in Sant Joan de les Abadesses (Girona) the fourth edition of the “2 Days Trial Santigosa-Clàssic.” (2DTSC) The competition maintains its international character and the organization is working to make it possible to enjoy new areas.

Participants will be able to enjoy a total of 40 different areas, 20 different zones each of the 2 days with a circuit of great scenic beauty.


This year the 2DTSC are part of the new “Copa Catalana de Trial Clàssiques llarga durada.” This does not imply any change in the structure or regulations of the competition, which maintains the same characteristics as the last edition.

There are 3 levels of difficulty:

YELLOW LEVEL 20 Areas of very low difficulty.

GREEN LEVEL 20 Low difficulty areas.

BLUE LEVEL 20 Areas of medium difficulty.


PRE-65: Identified by color YELLOW in the zones.

PRE-72: Identified with the color YELLOW in the zones.

PRE-80: Identified with the color GREEN in the zones.

CLASSICS: Identified with the color YELLOW in the zones.

TRIALERS: Identified with the color GREEN in the zones.

EXPERTS: Identified with the color BLUE in the zones.


They can be made from September 22 through

Learn more at:

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