Procedures for the transfer and change of name on a trial bike

When buying a second-hand trial bike, it is important to know what administrative status it is in and the possibilities we have of successfully putting it in our name.
Our recommendation is to always opt for registered trial bikes, because despite the fact that the use is exclusive in the mountains, it is preferable that the motorcycle circulates on tracks or roads according to the law, that is, with ITV, insurance and registered in our name.
First of all, because it is more likely that we will only be reprimanded or warned, and above all because of the responsibilities that may arise in the event of an accident against the natural person driving the trial motorcycle.


In this case, it is enough to make a contract of sale between individuals, reflecting all the data of the motorcycle and including the time at which it is delivered.
Download here the model of the contract of sale between individuals


If you buy a second-hand trial motorcycle and it is registered, remember that you must change the ownership of the vehicle in the Registry of the Directorate General of Traffic.
Below we explain step by step how you should act in case the trial bike is registered:
STEP 1) Request a traffic report (Recommended)
You can request it at any agency or online and the cost does not exceed 20 euros. If there is any burden on the vehicle (fines, limitation of disposal, unpaid taxes) that does not allow the change of ownership to be carried out, traffic will deny you the transfer of the vehicle. By then, the seller will have charged the vehicle and you will have to claim the charges that weigh on the vehicle in Traffic.
The traffic report provides the following information about the trial bike:

> Technical Data

> Number of previous holders.

> Administrative status (if authorized to circulate)

> MOT expiry date

> Charges or encumbrances that prevent the transfer of the vehicle

STEP 2) Contract of Sale (Mandatory)
Never take the vehicle without having in your hands the contract of sale (if it is sold to you by a private individual) or invoice (if it is sold to you by a company) and a photocopy of the identity document in Spain or CIF.
It is important to indicate in the contract the time and minutes in which you take the vehicle: remember that the fines will continue to arrive until the change of ownership takes place in the Vehicle Registry.
Download here the model of the contract of sale between individuals
STEP 3) Settlement of the Property Transfer Tax at the Treasury: (Mandatory)
Before you can put the purchased vehicle in your name, you will need to fill out the Form 620 and to pay the Property Transfer Tax to the Tax Office – in person or via the Internet – which varies depending on the Autonomous Community where the purchaser of the vehicle is registered and which corresponds to a % of the minimum value that the vehicle has for the Treasury. This value is published by the Tax Agency in the Official State Gazette.
STEP 4) Procedures at the Traffic Headquarters (Mandatory)
Once the Property Transfer Tax has been paid, the buyer must go to the Traffic Department, pay the fees and provide the following documentation:

> Original and valid ID of the buyer.

> Photocopy of the seller’s ID card.

> 2 signed copies of the sales contract

> Proof of payment of the last Road Tax.

> Technical Data Sheet with the ITV stamped and in force.

> Circulation Permit

> Form 620 of the Transfer Tax settled.

> Request for Change of Ownership
signed by both parties.
-Download document-

Once all the documentation has been submitted and paid, the Traffic Department will issue the vehicle registration certificate in your name.
The buyer will have approximately 15 days to make the change of ownership and demonstrate to the former owner the effectiveness of the change – it is best to send them a copy of the vehicle registration certificate. If they do not do so within this period, the seller can go to Traffic to carry out a notification of sale procedure.
If you do not do the procedure directly, you will need to sign an authorisation to the person who is going to carry it out and leave them your ID or identification document. You can download here the authorisation form provided by the DGT
If, on the other hand, you prefer that an agency carries out the procedures for the settlement of the tax and payment of fees in Traffic, you must provide them with the following documentation:

> Photocopy of the ID of the buyer and seller.

> 1 signed copy of the sales contract

> Proof of payment of the last Road Tax.

> Technical Data Sheet with the ITV stamped and in force.

> Circulation Permit

> Signing the Mandate
authorizes the agency to carry out the change of ownership on your behalf. (Both the seller and the buyer will have to sign a copy in the “The Principal” box)
In the same act, the agency will provide the buyer with a provisional proof of change of ownership valid for 30 days from the date of issue and as soon as it receives the final documentation, it will send it to the buyer as previously agreed.

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