Gas Gas has opened two new topics on the Facebook forum to find out what fans think about its models, in order to continue improving and learn first-hand about the concerns of potential buyers. The best idea will receive:
A trial jacket and a “school of champions” t-shirt signed by Adam Raga, for those participants of the “trial” forum.
An enduro jacket and a “school ofchampions” t-shirt signed by Iván Cervantes, for those participants of the “enduro” forum.
Gas Gas offers the option of collecting the award at its headquarters and offering the winner the opportunity to get to know its facilities first-hand.
The contest will be open from December 15th to February 15th, with the award ceremony being held at the beginning of March.
Finally, it should be noted that the jury will be made up of a technical department of Gas Gas. Without a doubt, this is a great initiative that allows factories to learn not only from high competition, but also from the needs of users.