The SSDT office reopens its doors after the centenary, which made the most important event of those held annually in Trial even greater. In the oldest Trial race of the year , everyone competes in the same category for six long days in difficult conditions in the Scottish Highlands.
From the official website of the SSDT they give some advice to all those who intend to leave their registration application. There are also links with information for those who are participating in the race for the first time, in addition to the registration form itself.
Suggestions from the SSDT office:
Fill out the form correctly. There is no preference for the first to submit the form, it is preferable to take enough time to complete it and leave it perfectly written. It is particularly important that your contact details are clear and correct. If the form is not legible, you run the risk of losing the option to enter the draw.
Remember that if you use an envelope larger than size A5, more stamps are needed for the letter to arrive.
If you haven’t participated in SSDTs before, One of the most important things you can do is make sure you know what you’re doing. Preparation For this trial it is very important, do not think that it is an easy trial, even if you have seen the areas on video, it is a long duration test for which you have to be well prepared physically.
Don’t forget about the application deadline . Registration closes on Friday, December 16. Then the envelope must have been sent to the organization. All forms received afterwards will be rejected. Send the form before December, since at that time due to the arrival of Christmas the mail suffers notable delays. The best thing to do is to fill out the form calmly and submit it as soon as you have completed it.
Download the guide for those new to SSDTs
Download the registration form
Check all the information on the official website: