Solidarity Trial with La Maratò de TV3 at the Circuit de Catalunya | VIDEO

Very good areas!

In the last post, in the final section, I called on you to “blow up” the Barcelona-Catalonia Circuit in the second Solidarity Trial with La Marató de TV3 and it is about this that I would now like to make this one, so that you can know what La Marató and this trial represent.

Solidarity does not expire, being supportive is not a one-off thing.

2nd SOLIDARITY TRIAL: an act of solidarity with many “zeros”

What is the Solidarity Trial?

It is a day of solidarity trial with La Marató de TV3.

What is the purpose of the Solidarity Trial?

To raise funds for the cause of La Marató de TV3, which this year was the fight against stroke and traumatic spinal cord and brain injuries.

What is La Marató de TV3?

La Marató de TV3, also known as La Marató is an annual charity telethon held on the Sunday before Christmas. The event is broadcast on TV3, the regional television of Catalonia and is jointly organized by the public entity Televisió de Catalunya and the La Marató de TV3 Foundation. From 1992 to date , the Marathon has raised more than 144 million euros.

Circuit Catalunya 2017 Solidarity Trial

Since 1992, the aim of the programme has been to raise funds for disease research and dissemination. Since 1996, the La Marató Foundation has been in charge of managing resources, selecting the best scientific projects and financing publicity campaigns to raise awareness. In addition to the programme on TV3, which usually lasts more than 12 hours of uninterrupted broadcasting, activities are held in the main Catalan cities, and a CD with disinterested performances by musical artists is put on sale.

Although it is not broadcast throughout Spain, La Marató is the telethon that raises the most money in the whole country. Its first record box office was set in 2004, when more than €8 million was raised for the fight against cancer. In 2010, the programme dedicated to spinal cord and brain injury research raised nearly €7.3 million on the day of the programme. The total figure was €8.7 million, breaking its record for total box office. In 2012, once again dedicated to cancer, she raised more than 10 million euros on the same day of the marathon alone. The total figure once again broke all the records of the telemarathon in Spain, reaching 12.3 million euros.

Circuit Catalunya 2017 Solidarity Trial

Year Illness Collection
1992 Leukaemia €1,230,128
1993 Down syndrome €2,352,669
1994 Breast and colon cancer €3,035,331
1995 Cardiovascular diseases €2,040,443
1996 Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and ALS €4,107,795
1997 Hereditary diseases: cystic fibrosis and muscular dystrophy €4,172,090
1998 Diabetes €3,945,421
1999 Organ transplant €4,685,110
2000 Schizophrenia and other mental illnesses €4,511,808
2001 AIDS €4,653,496
2002 Chronic inflammatory diseases €4,518,315
2003 Chronic respiratory diseases 4.279 265 €
2004 Cancer €8,712,000
2005 Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, stroke and other mental illnesses 7.722.000 €
2006 Chronic pain €6,993,481
2007 Cardiovascular diseases €7,897,678
2008 Mental illness €6,972,342
2009 Rare diseases €7,120,569
2010 Acquired spinal cord and brain injuries €8,735,103
2011 Organ transplantation and tissue regeneration €8,931,418
2012 Cancer €12,387,634
2013 Neurodegenerative diseases 11.848.986 €
2014 Cardiovascular diseases €11,403,593
2015 Diabetes and obesity €9,469,226
2016 Stroke, spinal cord and traumatic brain injuries €8,490,607

In 2016 La Marató celebrated its 25th anniversary, with participation and fundraising figures that confirm it as the great festival of solidarity, social awareness and the promotion of biomedical research in Catalonia.

Why is this Trial held at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya?

Because Ramon Maltas, who was Director of Operations of the Circuit of Catalonia, and a veteran trialist, opened the doors for us in 2012 to do the first Solidarity Trial. Unfortunately in 2015 he left us and the Director of the Circuit, Joan Fontseré, also a good trialist, proposed us to do a second edition of this Trial, which we decided would be a Ramon Maltas memorial.

Circuit Catalunya 2017 Solidarity Trial

Is the Solidarity Trial for all types of riders?

Yes, since the purpose is that all trial riders can attend the Circuit to enjoy a solidarity and trial day.

What is the solidarity return?

The idea is that as the end of the party of a solidarity day, all those registered take a lap of the asphalt track, with trial bikes, since it is not very normal for the knobby wheels to step on the asphalt.

MOTOCAT and the CIRCUIT DE BARCELONA-CATALUNYA have once again been together for a good cause, the 2nd Solidarity Trial.

A true classic. That is what this Solidarity Trial with La Marató de TV3 has become. An event that in the two editions held (2012 and 2016) has brought together more and more than 500 attendees to the Circuit, mainly from Catalonia but also from other places, and that has earned to be one of the benchmarks of our trial group in terms of participation and solidarity collection. When we started 2012 no one imagined this success.

For seven hours the Circuit is filled with trial bikes. Amateur and professional pilots participate in the event, the latter of special value because they are people who leave a lot of things to be there, but they all participate to raise as much as possible. This year, the money will go to the fight against stroke and traumatic spinal cord and brain injuries.

Circuit Catalunya 2017 Solidarity Trial

The Sound of Music…

The job of organizing an event of this “caliber” is very stressful. There are too many “keys” to play. Reaching out to each of the stakeholders takes a lot of time and dedication. Those who have never done it do so do not know what it entails. Even marking the zones might say it’s the easiest thing of all, when it’s not.

Admittedly, there were moments to laugh, but most of all we had a particularly emotional moment on Saturday night. In fact, this writer had a drop in his mood and not exactly for sad reasons, quite the opposite. Going to bed with a clear conscience that everything is perfectly under control and with the job well done, plunged me into a state of emotion that was difficult to control.

On Sunday, December 18, around 7:15 a.m., we were already in the tents that the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya had set up for the occasion. Although dark and with the temperature quite low, little by little we prepared all the logistical issues to receive both the 419 pilots registered online, and the 94 who did so on the same day. Total: 513 solidarity registrations.

Circuit Catalunya 2017 Solidarity Trial

Before 9 a.m. The marshalls of the test were already going around the interzone and areas to check if there was any damage. The controls responsible for the 8 zones were also in place to give way to the pilots to do them in an orderly manner.

Little by little, individually, groups of friends, parents, children and grandchildren, entire families, all the pilots did the zones as and as many times as they wanted. You only had to look at the faces of the majority to deduce that they were (we were) having a great time. The feedback was quite nice and we were very satisfied.

At 1 p.m. It was the turn of the “cracks” to do the exhibition. For this occasion, OCTAGON had set up 5 indoor areas without much difficulty for them, but quite spectacular for the large audience that was present.

Circuit Catalunya 2017 Solidarity Trial

Microphone in hand, Cesc Vila introduced them one by one and if we had to make a general comment, it could only be admired by both professional and upcoming riders. They went out of their way to show (if there were any doubts) that we have the best professionals and people in the world trial at home. They transmitted enthusiasm and most of them, before the exhibition in the indoor areas, did some of the 8 zones that had been drawn for the Solidarity Trial, sharing good times with the trialists.

And it’s time for the solidarity return. “Goosebumps.” Seeing a lot of trial bikes parading around the asphalt track of the circuit excites anyone who loves the sport as much as we do. Proud to be a trialist!!

And I want to finish by thanking the support of all those who have collaborated in this edition: first of all to the CIRCUIT DE BARCELONA-CATALUNYA who has made everything easy for us, to the FCM, the AMV FOUNDATION, to OCTAGON, to the motorcycle brands BETA, GAS GAS, MECATECNO, MONTESA, SHERCO, TRS and VÉRTIGO, to the brands also present: CLUB IMPALA, DELAY, KONTRACOS, MAXFOZ, MOTS PARTS, NON STOP and SCOTTISHTRIAL, to the professional riders TONI BOU, TAKAHISA FUJINAMI, ADAM RAGA, ALBERT CABESTANY, JERÓNI FAJARDO, JORGE CASALES, JAMES DABILL, JACK PRICE, and to the young MIQUEL GELABERT, ORIOL NOGUERA and SAM OBRADÓ, and especially to the 513 REGISTERED (without them this trial would be nothing), as well as all the controls, collaborators and colleagues of MOTOCAT, without forgetting my family.

Circuit Catalunya 2017 Solidarity Trial


Now it’s time to think and decide if we’re going to turn the Solidarity Trial into a permanent event on the calendar of sporting events. There is no shortage of desire, so we have already started the procedures to return in 2017 with news, surprises and above all with solidarity, a lot of solidarity.

David has provided the means to channel any comments, but if you want to make it more personalized, you will always find me at

Lots of zeros!

Victor Martin




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