The 2020 Spanish Trial Championship already has its dates and locations approved, with small exceptions to be determined, such as the one on April 5.
What we do know is that the sporting activity will start early and will be on February 9 in Lleida, where the Junior drivers, the Cadets, TR1, TR2, TR3 and TR4 will meet. The rest of the categories will debut in the Pontevedra town of Baiona, with a great trial tradition, on March 14 and 15.
The calendar of the 2020 Spanish Trial Championship will have a total of eight locations, where the top category will score points in seven of them. We will also see TrialE’s electric motorcycles again and it will be at five of these locations.
9 February – Aitona (Lleida) – Junior Categories, Cadet TR1, TR2, TR3 and TR4
March 14 – Baiona (Pontevedra) – TR4 , Cadets, Females B, Juveniles, Veterans and Trial-E
March 15 – Baiona (Pontevedra) – Junior, Women’s A, TR1, TR2 and TR3 Categories
April 9 – TBD
May 17 – Velilla del Río Carrión (Palencia) – Categories Junior, Cadet TR1, TR2, TR3 and TR4
June 27 – Pobladura de las Regueras (León) – All categories
June 28 – Pobladura de las Regueras (León) – All categories
September 26 – Ripoll (Girona) – TR4, Cadets, Female B, Youth, Veterans and Trial-E Categories
September 27 – Ripoll (Girona) – Junior, Women’s A, TR1, TR2 and TR3 categories
October 25 – Cal Rosal (Barcelona) – Categories Junior, Cadet, Female A, TR1, TR2, TR3 and TR4