The calendar of the 2022 Spanish Trial Championship has been practically defined in its entirety, which will begin on March 27 at a location yet to be determined.
Due to the large volume of categories and participants (more than 120 between all categories), a large part of the calendar is divided into races that can be disputed over two consecutive days. In the case of Arteixo and Pobladura de las Regueras, all the categories are called both days, while the rest of the locations distribute the categories between the two days of the race.
The calendar of the 2022 Spanish Championship will visit such emblematic places as Pobladura de las Regueras, Valdemanco or Camprodón. Others, like Arteixo, are joining the calendar for the second year after the great organization of the previous campaign. Cal Rosal is another place that riders know well, as it is a regular event on the national trial calendar.
From a sporting point of view, it will be Jaime Busto who will defend the crown of 2021 Spanish Trial Champion.
Spanish Trial Championship 2022 Calendar
- 27 March: TBD
- 23 April: Arteixo (A Coruña) - All categories
- 24 April: Arteixo (A Coruña) - All categories
- 25 June: Camprodon (Girona) - Cadets, TR4, Women's TR2 and TR3, Youth and Veteran
- 26 June Camprodon (Girona) - TR1, TR2, TR3, Junior, Women TR1
- 23 July: Pobladura de las Regueras (León) - All categories
- 24 July: Pobladura de las Regueras (León) - All categories
- 23 October: Valdemanco (Madrid) - Tr1, Tr2, Tr3, Tr4, Junior, Cadets
- 12 November: Cal rosal (Barcelona) -Cadets, TR4, Women's TR2 and TR3, Youth and veteran
- 13 November: Cal Rosal (Barcelona) - TR1, TR2, TR3, Junior, Women's TR1