Well, come on… Let’s get into it. Recently, I would like to comment “in first class”, one of the most charismatic trial races that has been held lately: TRIAL 2 DAYS OF ARINSAL.
Surely it does not have the tradition of the Scottish or Santigosa, but that does not mean that, after 12 editions, no one can deny that it has become one of the benchmark trials, a favorite of the fans and, why not say it, mine.
Throughout all these years it has become the long-duration trial par excellence within the peninsula.
In August 2001, two great enthusiasts, Lidia and José Antonio, two people with big hearts at the head of the Moto Club Arinsal, came up with the idea of organizing a high-level trial.
In its beginnings, as part of the main festivities of the town of Arinsal, year after year, it has not stopped breaking attendance records. The idea of being able to share family holidays with trial has delighted most, becoming a fixed test of agendas.
I couldn’t attend the first edition due to an absurd shoulder injury, but from the second one until today, I have participated in each of the editions.
The work of the Moto Club Arinsal stands out because it has always taken care of even the smallest detail so that everything was and was to everyone’s liking. The public and riders have always enjoyed a trial organised with fans and, above all, with a lot of enthusiasm.
Hundreds of friends, odysseys and anecdotes, each one more varied, but I’ll stick with these:
August 17 and 18, 2002
It was my first participation in which Ricard Pinet was Race Director.
23 and 24 August 2003
In this edition, the trial was part of one of the tests of the prestigious Open Trial, which with the help of Zona Cero and KM2 delighted its loyal followers.
As a curious note, we had the cancellation of an area of the second day because it had been marked in Spanish territory. Border stuff.
21 and 22 August 2004
In this edition , there were almost 300 entries. Registrations had to be closed days before so as not to prejudice the development of the event.
With the bib number 252 and a Gas Gas I got my first and only victory in the yellow level of this Arinsal trial. On Friday, a trial for children was held.
20 and 21 August 2005
The snow arrived in Arinsal in the middle of August, which made some decide to abandon on the second day. The organization, with very good judgment, modified the route so as not to have to climb the impassable peaks.
19 and 20 August 2006
In this edition and on the peaks of the Pyrenees, we take the opportunity to present MOTOCAT, a Moto Club of Trial Friends that I am currently honoured to chair.
18 and 19 August 2007
This year it became essential to process through the Royal Spanish Motorcycling Federation, a permit to leave the country to participate in this trial.
1 and 2 August 2008
The most remarkable thing about this edition is the change of dates, going from the end/mid to the beginning of August. A success that is completely compatible with the majority of amateurs who put this trial before the beginning of their holidays.
I am left with the heartfelt tribute that the organization made to my wife Mercè in the distribution of awards in recognition of her photographic work (and that year she had had health problems, today fortunately overcome). I will be eternally grateful. On the other hand, this would be the year that I would meet what was going to be my future in-laws: Asier and his parents, Serafín and Puy.
The organization declined to organize the event in 2009.
and 8 August 2010
It was the saddest edition. The disappearance of Julio Monforte (photographer of the event) and Jonathan Almarcha (local driver) who died in traffic accidents, left an important void for this edition.
“A Andorra som esportistes, a España delinqüents” (in Andorra we are athletes, in Spain criminals) was the slogan issued by Motocat in the parade organized for the occasion. The recognition of this act by all levels made us feel a little more satisfied and not so persecuted.
July 30-31, 2011
The rules of the race are changed to Non Stop. This is not to the liking of most as there are a lot of equal zones for the four levels. That is, for the black ones very easy areas and for the yellow ones very difficult areas.
August 4-5, 2012
The regulations are still Non Stop, but they are not applied in the vast majority of areas, causing great confusion, both in controls and in pilots.
More than 500 motorcycles circulating on the peaks of Andorra demonstrate once again two things: that this trial has become the benchmark for mass attendance and the main thing, that trials, motorcycles and the natural environment are totally compatible.
August 3 and 4, 2013
History is repeating itself for the third year in a row… the regulations are still Non Stop, but they are not applied correctly , again causing great confusion, both in controls and in pilots. It is the edition that, perhaps, will not be remembered as the best, but as the hardest.
As you may have noticed, this test means to me, much more than 2 days of trial and much more than doing 20 daily zones, But from this last edition, in my first abandonment on the 2nd day, I want to take advantage of the opportunity that this blog gives me to comment several things, both positive and negative.
I don’t want anyone to take my words badly, and even less so the organizers, quite the opposite. I know how hard it is to organize all this “racket”, so that now I come to create more discouragement than perhaps they already have.
About the zones… It is not normal or good to have to do 16 zones in the morning and only 4 after eating. They could be better distributed. And it is not normal that with the terrain that exists, always, edition after edition, the location of the areas is the same.
On the marking of them , only four zones with levels (colored arrows) the remaining 16 for all the same. From the best of the best, to the worst of the worst, they did the same zones.
I mean… that this trial has gone from being “popular” for those of medium/high level, to a “suffering” for those of low level (where the bulk of those registered are), since none of the 20 areas were of low level. This, together with a beautiful and spectacular intersection, but long and difficult as ever, and full of followers (with the consequent traffic jams), made this edition the hardest I remember.
By the way, and speaking of the interzone… It is not necessary to climb three times to two thousand and something meters. We’ve never “caught” a storm on the summits, but the day it passes, we may have some upset.
And Breaking down the interzones… Very bad with the marking of the descent towards zones 14 and 15. Putting ribbons on trees without having a sad path to follow and with such a steep slope, the most inexperienced of trial markers knows how to do it and I don’t think this is the case, in this trial, after 12 editions marking interzones and zones.
Summarizing… that what needs to be improved are the zones and interzones. The places and places where the trial takes place allow it and deserve it.
I would also like to comment on the positive things (there is more to come), because as I have already said, both the administrative issue and all the organizational logistics are “higher”, than 10!!
Arinsal has been, is and will be very special to me. The organisers deserve all my respect and admiration, but if they are not able to continue with this “madness” of the Arinsal trial (surely the trial with the most fans and motorcycles in the world) and they do not find a new wisdom to move forward with the project started 12 years ago, I will not be the one to say what they have to do, it is complicated.
Just… I wouldn’t want to stop I would like to name all those who in one way or another are part of the organization of this trial, but as I will surely forget to mention someone, from these lines I will go ahead with a general thank you and a more particular one for: Lidia and José Antonio, Fran and Meritxell, Manel and Mercè, Josep Serra and of course the best “speaker” Sonia.
David has provided the means to channel any comments, but if you want to make it more personalized, you will always find me at bonaigua@motocat.cat
Lots of zeros!
Victor Martin