The action returns to the Spanish Trial Championship. This coming Saturday and Sunday, June 25 and 26, all the categories called for this 2016 season (TR1, TR2, TR3, TR4, Junior, Cadet, Youth A, Youth B, Female A, Female B, Female C and Veteran) will meet at the Permanent Trial Circuit of Pobladura de las Regueras, León.
On Saturday, those registered in Youth A, Youth B, Female A, Female B, Female C, Veteran, Cadet and TR4 will compete and on Sunday TR1, TR2, TR3 and Junior.
On Saturday morning, from 09:00 to 11:30 a.m., you will be able to train and visit the areas and from 11:30 a.m. (until 1:00 p.m.) the administrative and technical checks will be carried out.
The Pobladura R Sports Club will be in charge of organizing the race and will prepare some areas according to each level. The idea is that both the riders and the public who go to see them enjoy the Trial.
As of today and with the races that have been held until this June, Toni Bou leads the general classification of TR1, Marc Riba of TR2, Guillermo Soler of TR3, Jordi Ramonet of TR4 and Joan Miquel of Veteran.
Pablo Suárez heads the provisional Junior category, Martí Riobo the Cadet category, Alex Canales the Junior A category, Oriol Giró the Youth B category, Mireia Conde the Female A category, Eva Muñoz the Female B category and Marta Riutort the Female C category.
After the World Championship races held with a lot of Spanish presence and with great results for our team, the Spanish fans are already looking forward to enjoying these magnificent riders.