Trial2 world title under investigation for “tongo”

The Trial World Championship has ended with controversy. And beyond the sporting field, which affects the Trial2 World Champion, which is under investigation, the archaic “non-stop” regulations under which TrialGP is governed have once again become evident.

The problem is that it focuses on the last section of the Italian GP of TrialGP.

Matteo Grattarolla, a local driver, was outstanding with only two points in the first position of the race, but his title really depended on Toby Martin at least being third in the race, as he would mathematically achieve the title by being second.
The war for that second position went all the way to the last zone between Martin and Marcelli. Here both Grattarolla and Martin went to zero. At this point his Marcelli zone begins and, according to the statement from the RG Trial Team (where Martin is a member), the Spanish rider falls badly from a jump, losing his balance, but without putting his foot down and resuming his position after a sequence of bounces. In the absence of advancement, at this point the zone judge marks a “fiasco” to Marcelli, which would automatically give the second place and therefore the title to Martin.
Matteo Grattarola Trial2 2018
It is at this moment that the “speaker” begins to question the decision, influencing the judge along with the public, who would later rectify and mark a zero to Marcelli, again altering the classification and giving the title to Matteo Grattarolla.
After the events and the denunciation of this situation, Sport7, promoter of the championship, has released a statement where it indicates that “Sport7 is fully aware of the events that unfolded in zone fifteen of the second and final lap of the Italian TrialGP held at the Metzeler Offroad Park in Pietramurata Di Dro last Sunday, September 16 and which have been reported after the event.”. Following that point, Sport7 has referred the facts to the FIM, which has opened an urgent investigation in order to ensure that the correct processes were followed.
Sport7 also indicates that “His staff members who witnessed the incident first-hand, along with many other spectators, have no doubt that a zone judge of the event was subject to outside influences. As a direct result of unauthorised influences, the zone judge subsequently decided to amend what was originally a correct sporting decision consistent with his previous decisions made throughout the event, with no reason to do so.”
Gabriel Marcelli Trial2 France
All this problem is the consequence, among other things, of having a regulation that leaves in the hands of each judge a decision as impartial as judging the stop of the motorcycle, knowing that each zone and judge applies very different criteria in the same Grand Prix. The lack of technology and objectivity generates problems, discussions and lack of understanding for the public and fans.
Sport7 has announced that it will not make any further statements on the matter until the situation is resolved by the FIM.

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