Types of trial days for an amateur. By Victor Bonaigua

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How do I understand that it is a trial day?

For me there are three types of trial days:

A.- To train
B.- To participate in a trial
C.- To go on an excursion


The protocol is always the same. Waiting for Sunday and as the week progresses, the exchange of calls and/or messages between friends does not stop.

Where are we going?, What time do we meet?, Where do we have breakfast?, Classic or modern? These are some of the questions we are asking, so I am going to try to reason out the answers.

Where are we going? Well, wherever the law allows us to.

In the 80s and 90s we were spread over a wide area of Catalonia, but the current impediments of motorized access to the natural environment have meant that we always go to the same place, more specifically to one of the areas legalized for the practice of trial.

What time do we meet? Usually no later than 8:30 a.m.

On this point we never agree too much, but I understand that I have a “sick” punctuality that makes me arrive at the places, always, too many minutes before the scheduled time, whatever it may be.

Where do we have breakfast? There is no fixed site.

I remember from my “less professional” Sunday outings that the plan was: go out on a motorcycle, have breakfast mid-morning and then continue for a while longer. I also remember how hard and complicated the areas were with a full belly and some(not in my case, hehe…) with a few too many drinks, so I decided to change the system, have breakfast first and then take the bike until it was time to retire.

Classic or modern? Depends on.

It depends on what the upcoming schedule is. Being able to train a few days before with one or the other bike will be good to get the “feeling” of it for the competition that we have in sight.

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The protocol is the same again: waiting for Sunday and as the week progresses, the exchange of calls and/or messages between friends does not stop.

How are we doing?, What time do we meet?, Where do we have breakfast?, What level do you run on? These are some of the questions that we are asking, so I am also going to try to reason out the answers.

Where are we going? To the place where the trial is organized.

During the week we will have already looked at the navigator to know the exact location and have more or less control of the route time.

What time do we meet? Normally to be able to arrive at the indicated place no later than 8:15 a.m.

TypesTrial 4Here, too, we never agree too much with the “sickly” punctuality that makes me arrive at places, always, too many minutes ahead of the scheduled time, whatever that time may be. In addition, my “detractors” do not understand what I do so early in the trial area, if the start is not until an hour later.

I have the premise that “God helps those who get up early” but anyway I prefer to see the different trialists arrive, than for them to see me arrive, hahahaha…

Where do we have breakfast? Usually in the same location as the trial.

This must be so, because if we stop for breakfast
On the route, it is impossible to get to the place no later than 8:15 a.m. or you would have to get up even earlier.

What level do you run at? In my case at the lowest.

Even though I have the level to do more complicated areas, I prefer the lower level areas. Why? Because you are already of an age and just as in the simplest areas, any mistake in the line, in the position of the body, in the gear (always “in first gear”) etc., my level allows me to rectify on the fly, in the higher level areas, a mistake in the line, a bad position of the body, a doubt in the gear (sometimes in second gear) etc. are the reason for several, sometimes fiasco and the worst… the fall!! with the consequent damage that it can do to me and always thinking that on Monday I can’t stop going to work.


The protocol was always the same. Waiting all year round and as the months progressed, in the month of July, we would make the excursion par excellence, the Pyrenees, but here we only asked ourselves two questions: Where are we going? and When are we going?

Currently we do not go to the Pyrenees, but this topic was already described at the entrance to the Aran Valley –see here report

Summarizing… For me there are three types of trial days: training, competing in a trial and hiking. And yours?

David has provided the means to channel any comments, but if you want to make it more personalized, you will always find me at bonaigua@bonaigua-trial.com

Lots of zeros!
Victor Martin

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