Venezuelan National Championship Chronicle

Venezuela4Organized by pilots Luis Mujica, Hernando Rivas and José Ignacio Rivas, the sixth and seventh valid of the National Trial Championship, in the “El Volcán” sector of the municipality of El Hatillo.

The tests took place in seven zones with two laps each, and this time it was marked by the difficulty of the numerous jumps over high-profile erosion crevasses, long and steep climbs and descents, accompanied by sharp turns on very slippery terrain.

The Brothers Hernando and José Ignacio Rivas fought in a close duel for the first places in the TR1 category,  where José Ignacio showed his mastery and fluency on the bike, while Hernando – who has just represented the country in several international events, including “the two days of Arinsal” and “the Trial of the Nations” – stood out for his efficiency and precision. The Rivas alternated on the podium of the TR1 , with Hernando occupying the first place and José Ignacio the second of the sixth valid, while in the seventh the positions were reversed.

As for the TR2 category, David Avendaño is only seven points away from displacing his father, Alejandro Avendaño, from first place in the championship. David, who at just 11 years of age, has had a spectacular international performance this year, is demonstrating his growth as a young trial star. On this occasion, he placed first on the podium in both the sixth and seventh valid races, while the second place was occupied on both occasions by Alejandro Avendaño. The third place was alternated by the pilots, Gustavo Badillo from Anzoátegui and Federico Rodríguez from the Capital District.

In the TR3, there were no surprises, veteran Luis “Lobo” Blanco, He gave a lecture and won with some ease in first place, followed by a combative Jordi Colominas in the second and Leonardo Cárdenas in the third. Also in the Children’s Category, Jonathan Pestana is undefeated, showing an impeccable card, with only one error in her 10 zones, followed by María Emilia Castillo, who made the entire journey with 3 faults to place in second place and Juan Andrés Castillo in third.

The The last round of the 2012 Trial Season will take place on December 2nd. where the National Championship will be defined in the TR2 Category, with the TR1, TR3 and Children’s Categories already defined. To then depart a representation of Venezuela to the Latin American Trial to be held in Guatemala on December 8 and 9.

Text: Fernando Bonet / Photos: Ana María Hernandez & Hortencia Avendaño 

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