Vertigo Day returns on March 20 at Noassar Park

On March 20th, Vertigo will celebrate a new edition of its popular Vertigo Day at Noassar Park, Camprodon. The day will consist of an exclusive trial for riders and Vertigo customers, who will be able to enjoy a morning touring and overcoming areas suitable for all levels in the Noassar area, which hosted the TrialGP World Championship in 2017 and 2018 and which currently serves as the epicentre of the 2 Dies de Camprodon.

Before the start of the trial there will be a “sausage” for all attendees, who will also receive a bag with gifts from the brand’s collaborators. The brand’s official riders, Jaime Busto, Yohito Takeda and Pau Martínez will also be part of this Vertigo family party. The event is free and requires prior registration to participate.

All interested parties must formalize their registration by sending an email to the following address:

vertigo trial camprodon 2019

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