to Gas Gas The serious situation in which Gas Gas finds itself continues to bring us a sad reality. The Works Council has just issued a new press release, in this case as a result of the visit of a KTM delegation to the Gas Gas factory, a situation that did not sit well with the workers due to the history of brands absorbed by KTM.
Below we reproduce in full the press release issued by the Gas Gas Works Council
KTM and Pierer industries visited the Gas Gas facilities today. Yesterday the works council received the leak that today, the former CEO, Ramón Puente, was going to visit the facilities of Gas Gas motos, together with Ktm and Pierer industries.
This fact has put the entire workforce on alert, on the one hand, the company is in the liquidation phase and the preparation of the sale of the production unit. Therefore, the visits of potential investors must be led by the insolvency administrator, current management or works council.
The fact that the previous CEO (who is not linked to this process today) is present at Gas Gas, without knowing what plan he and the Austrian brand have for the company, has put all the staff on notice. Looking back, in KTM’s history of acquisitions, other companies it has acquired have ended up closing their facilities.
This is not the future we want for Gas Gas motos, so we have decided to welcome them. With the message that this is not your home, we want to make you understand that we will not allow you to buy our facilities to close them and further deteriorate the little national industrial fabric that we have left. The national off-road sector will not sit idly by while opportunists seek to profit and monopolize the European motorcycle sector by using a jumble of companies to take over the entire market.
After several telephone conversations between the administrator, management and works council, an understanding and agreement was reached that the visit of a potential investor could not be prevented. Although the social part suspected that this possible investor was going to leave all the staff in a situation of check. So, in order not to hinder the process, it was decided that the visit of KTM and Pierer industries would be led by the current management and works council.
Once KTM’s visit is over, they will study the projects that can be adapted to our facilities. Transferring the offer to the insolvency administrator at the time of the auction.
Pierer KTM and industries today visited the facilities of Gas Gas.
Yesterday the council received seepage today, former CEO, Ramon Puente, would visit the facilities of Gas Gas motorcycles, along with Pierer KTM and industries.
This has alerted all staff on the one hand, the company is in liquidation and preparing sale of production unit. Thus, the visits of potential investors have to go you captained by the receivers, current address or council.
The fact that the former CEO (which today, is not linked to this process) are present in Gas Gas, without knowing what the plan is and the Austrian brand for the company. This has put on notice to all staff. Looking back at the history of KTM acquisitions, it has acquired other companies that have ended with the closure of its facilities.
This is not the future we want for Gas Gas bikes, which we have decided all staff, welcome you. With the message that this is not your house, we want them to mean that we will not allow our facilities to close buy and deteriorate more national industrial fabric little we have left. The national off-road sector has not remained idle while opportunists seek to profit and monopolize the European motorcycle industry using a maze of companies to take over the entire market arms.
After several telephone conversations between administrator, management and works council, it has come to the understanding and agreement that he could not prevent the visit of a potential investor. Although the social part suspected, that this potential investor, would leave in a situation check all staff. So not to hinder the process, it has been decided that the visit Pierer KTM and industries, would be led by the current management and works council.
After the visit of KTM, they study the projects that can be adapted to our facilities. Moving the supply to the receivers at the time of the auction.