VIDEO: The secrets of SHERCO STR 2023

The new 2023 Sherco STR has been a bombshell in the market. It will be released in November and will be completely identical to the Scorpa SCT 2023, except for the color level.

At SHERCO STR 2023 , everything is new. The technical solutions that have been used are very interesting, especially in the mechanical section, so to understand them we consider it key to interview one of the engineers who have participated in the creation and development of the new Sherco 2023.

Coming soon we will have a dynamic test with more conclusions at Trialworld.

Sherco STR 2023 Trial inyeccion

SHERCO STR 2023 mechanical novelties

news part of the sHERCO STR 2023 cycle

the SHERCO STR 2023 explained in detail

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