What about the forum?

NACE2Not even ten days have passed since TRIALWORLD went from being a project to becoming what you can now see, but they have been enough to draw interesting conclusions and see the great love that there is for Trial. The popularity figures this first week are absolutely impressive, but the Trial, at least at amateur level, does not understand data, but sensations.

For my part, I want to put into practice a
good habit
, which is none other than to take advantage of this editorial column to maintain a channel of conversation with all Trial fans, whose topics can be current issues to create a forum for debate, highlight the main contents of the week, advance new projects or, what is more important, have A direct communication channel to listen to all your suggestions or requests.

Throughout this week there are many of you who have congratulated us for the work that is done in TRIALWORLD and that is the greatest reward for an effort that you cannot even imagine. However, it is constructive criticism, or consultation, that helps us, and will continue to help, to improve over time.

We knew you were going to be surprised if you didn’t find a forum at TRIALWORLD.
Yes, we have a forum!
Where? In each and every news item that is published. If you look closely, underneath each of them there is a dialog box that allows you to ” comment on this news” and even quote comments from previous users, to keep an order in the conversation threads that are longer. There are many reasons for using this format. As you well know, most of the forums are external to the main page you visit and therefore their advertising as well.

Unfortunately, SPAM or intrusive advertising is very high, making browsing annoying and distorting the main scheme of the page. In addition, many of the posts are unclear, illegible or unfounded, giving rise to absurd controversies that only waste everyone’s time and, in some cases, that the offended fan voluntarily leaves the page forever.

At TRIALWORLD we want your opinions, doubts, queries, proposals, ideas or criticisms. Everything will be welcomed in an orderly manner and following the aforementioned scheme. All you have to do is search for the news, test, report or competition that you want the most and comment on it. To do this, you
can also use the search engine
, which will link you to the item you need.

 Additionally, we have a mailbox with suggestions and proposals for all of you at the following address: info@prebare.trial.sdi.es. If you want to open a topic to debate, or propose an interesting proposal where we can all learn, the work will have been a success.

Switching gears, among the highlights that start this week are, of course, Laia’s incredible feat in
the Dakar
, which as you well know we have followed in real time. Another big surprise is the
In-depth Test of the EVO 290 2011 Beta
, where we have the prestigious collaboration of Marcel Justribó. Don’t miss it. We also anticipate that this week we will publish a very interesting report about special components and some more surprises.

I bid you all farewell with a message of encouragement to
register for TRIALWORLD
, so that you can choose your username to participate in the discussion forums. We will send Trialworld stickers to your home as a thank you to all those registered, so after proceeding to the “user registration” do not forget to send us an email with your postal details and thus be able to make the shipment effective.

Have a great week. Best regards! 

David Quer (david@prebare.trial.sdi.es)


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