Berta Abellán will participate in the 2022 French Trial Championship

Abellán will compete, as reported by Scorpa Racing Factory on its Instagram account, in the French FFM Trial Championship in the women’s category.

The rider was very happy to participate in this championship at the Chester of Trialworld, commenting that “what I intend to do is learn in the tests”.

This season the Catalan has set her sights on the French championship and the Spanish Championship where she wants to be in the top 5.

He will also compete in the world championships that start in April, Abellán explained that “now I’m preparing for the season, while the races are not approaching we do more physical training than on a motorcycle and as we get closer things change and what we train the most is the bike. On a mental level I’m fine for now, as I’m very motivated.”

Berta Abellan Scorpa Trial 2022
Berta Abellán will compete in the 2022 French Championships

Abellán joins Scorpa Racing Factory

The current world runner-up has signed for Scorpa this season, riding a 2022 Scorpa SC Factory 300, and explained how happy she is “I’m very excited, I was very surprised by the bike, the team is great and the environment too, I’m very motivated”. The rider also wanted to refer to the good treatment she has received from her previous brand, Vertigo, where she spent the last 4 seasons and where she has grown as a rider.

2021 Season

Berta has not hesitated to talk about the World Championship and her dream of becoming the future champion. Last season Abellán obtained the second position in the world championship although he was very close to the other contenders for the podium, for this reason he comments that “this year is perhaps the one that I have seen the highest and strongest, I have been one point behind Laia Sanz, and in some races I have beaten Emma Bristow”.

Berta Abellan Scorpa Trial 2022
Berta Abellán in action with her Scorpa Factory 2022

Chester with Berta Abellán

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